all over her face! Libby just ate all of my chocolate covered altoids. Once again, here's the proof...
For you Grammar folks
In my previous post I wrote: "Silas's crib." Is that right? Should I have written Silas' crib? I find myself confused with the proper way to right this. I should consult Brenda Shirley, I am sure she could help.
Jake was approved to take leave. We don't have big plans. Just hanging around doing small projects. The first of which will be to lower Silas's crib. He is sitting up and his head is above the rails. He hasn't realized yet that he could escape if he wants to. We might work the garden as well. Though we are still having freezing weather at night, so I don't know if I dare put my back into such an effort only to have the groung freeze up again...perhaps I will wait on that one. The kids just finished their Friday testing and are writing their papers for the week. Jake's squadron just sent off several marines to an 8 month deployment, as a matter of fact I can hear the engines of the herc buzzing overhead, such a sad day for those families, and really a bittersweet reflection on our own deployment. We are going to have a fun week and I know that my husband is planning something. I caught a glimpse of an itemization on a credit card statement and he's been all top secret forbidding me to view certain email accounts. What fun we'll have whatever it is we do. I'll be sure to post any pictures that are taken during our leave. God Bless you all, my sweet, few, dear friends. You parents are counted in that last remark too!
Consider This
I was just listening to a Sermon titled the Idol Factory. In it the preacher, C.J. Mahaney, points to the root of pain and why we react to it the way we do. Now I am not speaking of physical pain, like a splinter in your finger, giving birth, or cancer. Rather emotional pain, our feelings. C.J. says that our pain is ultimately a response to how an idol has failed us. I was deeply stirred by this implication and have been reflecting on things that pain me as well those things that bring joy. In many cases the pains that have disturbed me are when the kids don't perform how I would hope or my husband doesn't live up to my desire/expectation of something. C.J. points out that our relationships with others are great tests of where our idols lie and what they are. I would have to say that C.J. is correct. The scripture is alive with examples of idols and our earthly treasures. Unfortunately there are some in my heart. I merely write this to you all out of a love for you, my brothers and sisters in Christ. Let us pray about this and see what these implications bring. Out ultimate joy should be in Christ and bringing glory to God, celebrating His Majesty. There is none that can fulfill as our blessed Savior. If you're interested go to and go to the resources tab and search for The Idol Factory. There are three parts to it.
Our Children are not Missing Out
The church where Jake and I attend encourages child-integrated worship. Some of you may be curious as to why we do this and perhaps even think that our children are missing out. If you are interested in the why's of what we are doing, here is an excellent article on the topic and really sums up our beliefs on the matter.
Happy to You!
When Libby caught me frosting the cake on Saturday, she said, "Mommy, Happy to you?" This was so cute and her phrase quickly caught fire with everyone saying, "Happy to you!" So we had a happy to you time celebrating Jake.
Birthday Party
What is a birthday without a party? Boring! We had, or should I say Jake and the kids had a blast with the punching balloons.
Alas, mom puts an end to the chaos-so thankful for curtain rods!
Happy Birthday Jake!
He's 34 and the sweetest man I know. We love him and pray another year of life over him. Thank you Lord for bringing this dear man into my life, making my flesh complete.
The Best Brownies (Williams Sonoma Recipe)
Jackie proved herself as a little chef in the kitchen today. She put out a batch of brownies in under an hour. When we were at Wrightsville Beach, she and I had an opportunity to go shop at Williams Sonoma. She bought a pan with her earned allowance:
This afternoon here's what she did:
8 Tbs. unsalted butter
4 oz. bittersweet chocolate
1/2 cup all purpose flour
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla extract
Preheat oven to 350 degrees and grease pan.
Melt butter and chocolate. In a bowl, whisk together flour, cocoa, baking powder and salt until combined. Set aside. In large bowl whisk together sugar, eggs, and vanilla. Add chocolate mixture and whisk in the flour mixture til combined. Bake until top is shiny and toothpick inserted comes out with only a bit of crumbs attached. About 30-40 minutes. Remove from oven and let cool on rack for at least 30 minutes then invert and cut into 12 yummy brownies.
This afternoon here's what she did:
8 Tbs. unsalted butter
4 oz. bittersweet chocolate
1/2 cup all purpose flour
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla extract
Preheat oven to 350 degrees and grease pan.
Melt butter and chocolate. In a bowl, whisk together flour, cocoa, baking powder and salt until combined. Set aside. In large bowl whisk together sugar, eggs, and vanilla. Add chocolate mixture and whisk in the flour mixture til combined. Bake until top is shiny and toothpick inserted comes out with only a bit of crumbs attached. About 30-40 minutes. Remove from oven and let cool on rack for at least 30 minutes then invert and cut into 12 yummy brownies.
Wrightsville Beach
We took off for the beach on Sunday morning after a few days being family. Our time there was memorable and Jake was able to do some surfing. The children and I are adjusting, mainly me, to having Jake home. To the kids life is a big party. To me it is learning to balance my responsibilities of wife and mother again. It is a blessed time around here and we are still rejoicing over Jake's return. Louisa saw Jake this morning in his flight suit and had a good cry, because she thought he was going to deploy again. Jake explained to her that he was merely going to work and would be home for dinner. She made no arguements about it and our day has commenced as planned.
The story
Jake is outside playing with his new truck with the help of his sons, not including Silas, so let me tell you how the event unfolded. Colby got to Jake first. He ran and lept on his dad and Jake caught him in the air. A moment that's burned in my mind. Next, I'm not sure, though I would guess Ben, followed by Jackie and Louisa. I was lagging behind because, the jets were still spinning, producing an incredible amount of noise. Libby was frightened and I was having to drag her behind me and carry Silas. The moment of seeing him and touching him was unbelievable. We are so very thankful that God reunited us. This is a sweet ending to a first deployment. Thank you all so much for your prayers on behalf of our family. We would not have survived without the prayers of the Saints and the Lord holding us together by his grace and word. Thank you Jesus, Thank You!!!
Sweet Reunion
Point B Arrival
Jake is now safe at his second destination. He will leave this morning at around 4 I am guessing. His landing time into Cherry Point has changed by about an hour. I think we will survive one additional hour-this is me preaching to myself.. He will be clearing customs at a different destination and then flying home to us. Pray for our sweet reunion. Pray for our servant hearts to one another. Pray that the children and I will share nicely :)
185 and not a day more
Today, we have been so excited. I woke up to Ben standing at my bedside, telling me that something bad had happened. He told me we were going to have to buy a whole bunch of light bulbs and that I would need to purchase new vacuums, because mine were not going to work anymore. This is a strange way to wake up, but if you know Ben and can decode what he's trying to say, this means that we have no power. So, our day started off different than I would have liked. But, none the less it was productive. We accomplished a lot of last minute things I've been wanting to do. We made the dessert for tomorrow nights meal. Lots of mopping and vacuuming and of course cleaning up messes that only a 2 year old can produce. Salt has had his hair cut. He's feeling very fresh. The laundry is almost done, and the strange scent of onions that was lurking in the boys room has been taken care of. We went to the base after church tonight to check on our sign that we made for Jake. The sign was still hanging, however some of the letters washed off. So, it says, "Elcome Shakey Jak." That's alright though. At least I took pictures when we intially hung it up.
Clean Water
Shakey Jake has left the country and has arrived at point A. He told me the first thing he was going to do was take a shower. Turn the water up as hot as it will go and lather up while it's running. He intends to have a 45 minute shower experience. He flies the next leg of the journey and then the final one home. I'll keep you posted as I receive more word.
A Joke-For Baseball People
What do you call a bunch of kittens who play baseball?
The Litter League..
The Litter League..
Silas bumped his head on a book case today. He's at the point where he's no longer bound to my arms or some other device, but can roll around and explore. He cried when he bumped it. A very angry, ticked off cry. Reminded me of Louisa's responses to pain.
The Bumbo
Bumbo is the name of this little foam seat. I'm too cheap to buy one. So, a friend has allowed us to borrow hers. Silas sat in it for a good hour and a half while I made cookies and bread this afternoon. I couldn't resist taking his picture...
Piano Lessons
This is our sweet piano teacher, Dana Hardison. She goes to our little church and is a dear. Each of the kids responds so well to her. Even Libby, who isn't taking lessons, will talk about Dana. Tonight, she came over and did weekly lessons for the kids. Normally she would come on Monday, but tomorrow we're seeing the dentist instead.
Something's Wrong with my Eyes
they keep leaking. Everywhere I look, spouses are being reunited and children are hanging on their daddy's necks. That will be us next week. I can't wait.
Last of the OIF Flying

As the deployment winds down, the flying does not. This period of transfer to the oncoming Detachment has been busy; turnover of the OpsO job, pilot indoc flights (scary!) and the continued OIF mission. Pictured is a formation instructor qualification sortie.
Tomorrow marks our last day and the final flight schedule that we are responsible for. I don't think I will be able to sleep tonight for excitement. The flying has been fun and challenging, but in the words of Adoniram Judson, "I am most comforted in the bosom of my family."
..a time to embrace
One of the downsides to a deployment is loneliness. God feeds me daily by His word and the Holy Spirit is my comforter. Yet, the Lord Jesus hears my prayers at night. He hears me when I need a hug or just to have my hand held. God has given us each other for innumberable reasons, for comfort, for rebuke, for exhortation, for procreation, for love, for warmth. Soon, the one, who lifts me up when I fall, who left his parents to begin a family with me, who encourages me when I've failed, who rebukes me when I'm proud, will be back. Yet my heart keeps thinking of the one who hasn't married, the one whose spouse has died, the single father or mother. I would encourage you to hug, love on those dear people who are singles. There is such a sweetness about touch. It is a good thing. Each time my children, parents, in-laws, and friends hug me it is sweet to my soul.
Umm thanks, I think
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