Jacob is my best friend. He is a Marine by day. By night he is poppa to the children and husband to me. The man has hobbies. He loves to surf, to bike (the kind without the engine), to be a slave mechanic to his old chevy, kayak, run, play baseball, whiffle ball, and did I mention surf? Time and again you may see a blog entry from him.. watch for those, they are always a breath of strong manly air. He is a jack-of-all trades and master too. Jake you are my greatest treasure!
Jackie Lynn is our oldest daughter. She is a gem. When she isn't in the kitchen cooking up a treasure you'll find her lounging in a cozy corner devouring a good book. She is a most graceful ballerina. Jackie, thank you for your sweet friendship to me. I look forward to many more cups of tea, evenings away, and knitting parties!
Benjamin James is my left-handed warrior. Since he was a wee little guy he's always loved a good battle. When he was only 2 he attacked the vacuum cleaner and me with a light saber. He hasn't backed down since. He wants to be a Major League Ball player when he grows up. He trains for it now by loading his backpack with rocks and running up and down the driveway. No need to be shocked over that because he also swings the baseball bat 200 times per day and has taught himself to do a one armed pull up! I love you my strong, faithful boy!
Louisa Jean my fourth born child, a.k.a. Lou Lou. She's as sweet as a cool breeze on a summer's eve. She's also as strong as an ox. She plays hard with the boys outside and dresses up to go to concerts with her sister and poppa when given the chance. She loves to be read to at night and will often fall fast asleep before the stories have finished. Louisa, you are a dear and I greatly rejoice over you!
Silas Jacob is our man of the forest. He is olive skinned with locks of curls atop his head. He is a blast to be with. He thoroughly enjoys Toy Story and will often say, "There's a snake in my boot!" On most days he wakes up and immediately puts on his cowboy clothes... There are those off days when he decides that baseball is his thing too. He is growing up way too fast. We love you little Si.
Samuel is the fourth born son. He has a brilliant countenance. His blue eyes seem to pop with life when you look at him. He has a lot of first born qualities; for one he is extremely independent and also he's super confident. He also loves to swing sticks and fight with his brothers. He doesn't respond well when life doesn't work out his way.. then again do any of us? Samuel tries to be a stow away and go where everyone else is going. Samuel, momma loves you.
Hazel, the newest member. She's such a little love. She's the fourth daughter and was embraced with welcome arms when she evened out the scales here. Benjamin describes her as pleasant and he is spot on in saying so. Hazel was a little surprised to see that there were so many Reynolds already here when she arrived to our family. One by one she's getting used to us. We love you little girl, no need to worry it isn't always so crazy around this place..