My Brother is a Father!
We had some great success yesterday. No foul words or messes! Praise God to both. Silas even had his first poo in the toilet without putting it in the bathtub. He's doing great with his training and is peeing consistently with and without help. He has even figured out how to pee 5 different times in under 10 minutes.. All of this for the love of fruit leather. That's been the reward of choice since the oreo incident. Louisa was the only other child to figure out she'd be rewarded even for the smallest drop. So, now we are only giving bites of fruit leather if there is a significant amount of pee. I think that by weeks end we'll be in underwear during the day.
The Sad, Stinky Story
or mommy says her first potty mouth word in years! I've confessed and repented to the Lord, but I said a bad word tonight.
Jake and the Sourdough Starter
A Sad Revelation
And Another Thing
This one is much heavier, physically that is. The engine in the classic chevy has died. Something about coolant and oil don't mix, but they did. So, this means that a new winter project has emerged. I found Jake in an old flight suit sitting in the engine compartment dismantling the thing. I grabbed a quick look at the mess and it looks like a sourdough starter overflowed inside the engine. Oops. I guess I'll have to wait a few months for a hot date with my man... Though when he takes me out in the thing again I'm thinking we'll have a much louder, faster ride!
Something has Invaded Our Home
Oh Libby,
Kids Being Kids
We're Smarter than That!
Marine Corps Ball
It's True!
I wish I would have read the below article first over at Girl Talk. Then again having experienced the Lord's blessing just by obeying the Spirit's leading and my husband's asking is pure joy.
Yes, I have been having a grumpy, frumpy, self-pitying week. Trying to sort through, is this my hormones or is it just good old fashioned sin.. It's the latter I can assure you. Life is busy right now, there's always a diaper to be changed, a meal to be prepared, a lesson to be taught, a mess to be cleaned up, or an "owie" needing kissing. Sometimes in the gloom of my self-pity it would seem that life is hopeless. Hello, did I just say life is hopeless? Shame, shame on me. Life is hopeful. The Redeemer, Christ, was sacrificed to quench the wrath of an angry God! Because of Him, I don't have to live a hopeless life. My life is steady in the arms of my Savior and my eternity is fixed in Heaven with my Lord.
With that I declare that being hospitable to our neighbor and his 3 children, a son Colby's age and twin girls Jackie's age, my gloom was lifted. What is it about serving and giving away an afternoon to cooking up chowda, making french bread, and apple crisp? It was God's hospitality ministering to me as I ministered to others.
I was again reminded over at Femina that too much talking to myself about my woes and not enough listening to the Lord is in itself a sick habit and a path to destruction.
Below is the refreshing article from Girl Talk:
“The joy of receiving God’s hospitality decays and dies if it doesn’t flourish in our own hospitality to others,” warns John Piper. But when we practice hospitality:
“…we experience the refreshing joy of becoming conduits of God's hospitality rather than being self-decaying cul-de-sacs….” [W]e experience the thrill of feeling God's power conquer our fears and our stinginess and all the psychological gravity of our self-centeredness. And there are few joys, if any, greater than the joy of experiencing the liberating power of God's hospitality making us a new and radically different kind of people, who love to reflect the glory of his grace as we extend it to others in all kinds of hospitality.”
Another of Mom's Secrets
See that spot on the back of Si's head? It's right beneath the hairline, the soft place on the back of the neck. It's perfect for giving little kisses. Mom would say it's her spot, but I love it too. I never find any dried, crusty items of mystery there. Just soft untouched skin.. except by me and mom..
What's Black and Stretchy?
Girl, Surfer Girl, My Little Surfer Girl...
Samuel 5 months
I am so thankful for the sweet boy. He is so therapeutic to me. He is always smiling and laughing. He sees me and responds with such gladness. I get a little weepy when I think of him growing so fast. It really feels like I just had that little boy. Praise God for his kindness toward us, the Reynolds, in bringing the boy this way!