It's happened. My baby has turned 6 months old. It bewilders me how quickly this last half year has gone by. It seems like just yesterday I was a nervous wreck, getting ready to leave the home I loved so much, saying goodbye to friends who had seen my family and I through two deployments, and of course awaiting the day for our baby to be born. The Lord called Samuel Theodore forth by means of induction June 2. Waiting 15 days past my due date I was ready to meet our new baby. Now here we are 6 months later. New home, trying to make new friends, and thankfully doing it with the same sweet family.
Back to Samuel, he's a sweet, sweet baby. He rarely cries. I could almost say never cries, but he did fuss a bit when he was sick this past weekend. Everyone adores the little bundle. Sweet Lib especially is smitten with him. She loves to clamor for his affection and attention, even if it means screaming..
The picture above is from Thanksgiving. He hung out in his chair bouncing and excited over the feast we were all enjoying.