It occurred to me this morning that tomorrow has taken the audacity of being May the 1st! Perhaps that's not the best way to describe how shocked I was but, I can hardly believe it. I strive as a mother, wife, daughter to number my days, to live them out wisely and realize how short this life is. I may be called home tomorrow to enter into eternity, my forever home. Time is like a fixed place a place we just pass through. Eternity is this other place that knows no bounds, that can't escape you. It surpasses my fleshly understanding of what I imagine forever to be. Truly, am I able to grasp it? It is an immeasurable measure, though not to be measured, a place without walls, without limits, wonderfully with God! No shadows, no tears, no stress, yet worship. Oh to be there and not here. That should be my audacious hearts' cry. Instead of fixating my thoughts on what happened to the last two weeks, where did they go? It should be how long oh Lord, until I see you. When will this mirror of life be put away?
While I learn to enjoy time and the quick measure of it, may I also be striving for the great promise. Eternity with Christ. Lord help me to not be shocked at the speed of time. May I not be given to worthless pursuits, but rather may I enjoy each beautiful instance you give me.
Our Children:

Jackie is a little lady. She is becoming so grown up and loves to be lovely .

Here are a few of my dears in a clamshell.

Libby and the sea turtle, an unlikely pair.

My cinnamon roll and my young man.

Boys at play. Samuel's favorite place to hang is in the tupperware cabinet.