The fervor of faith and obedience to Christ's instructions have brought about the baptism of three of our children. We have been rejoicing with them and continue to do so. Please pray that they would not sway from their faith, that the attacks of the enemy would not hold ground nor root with them, and that the good news of the Gospel would continue to go forth. The Lord was glorified at Rio Del Mar Beach this past Sunday, June 13, with this Baptism.
Our family gathered together beforehand. Our Pastor, Jason Farley, went over the baptismal questions with them. Colby, Jackie and Benjamin gave their word of affirmation to each question, declaring, "I Do."
Colby was baptized first. It took two tries to get it right as the tide went out the first try. Colby was so excited that he didn't care.
Jackie Lynn next.
Benjamin the bold was third.
Praise God from whom all Blessings flow, Praise Him all creatures here below, was the song that rang through the temperate beach air afterward.
Then we had cake: