

The fervor of faith and obedience to Christ's instructions have brought about the baptism of three of our children.  We have been rejoicing with them and continue to do so.  Please pray that they would not sway from their faith, that the attacks of the enemy would not hold ground nor root with them, and that the good news of the Gospel would continue to go forth.  The Lord was glorified at Rio Del Mar Beach this past Sunday, June 13, with this Baptism.
Our family gathered together beforehand. Our Pastor, Jason Farley, went over the baptismal questions with them.  Colby, Jackie and Benjamin gave their word of affirmation to each question, declaring, "I Do."
Colby was baptized first.  It took two tries to get it right as the tide went out the first try.  Colby was so excited that he didn't care.

Jackie Lynn next.

Benjamin the bold was third. 
 Praise God from whom all Blessings flow, Praise Him all creatures here below, was the song that rang through the temperate beach air afterward. 

Then we had cake:

Daddy Daughter Dance

The girls went with Jake to a Daddy Daughter Dance Saturday evening.  They had so much fun.

Though it was unplanned, their red, white, and blue dresses were quite fitting for this military event.

Hmm, Oakley's and Evening Dress? What a handsome combination!


"Dining Out"

Jake and I had a date Saturday night with our "Good" friends.  Note the italics.. their last name is Good. We had so much fun.  I remember after nights like Saturday why I love for my girls to dress up, because it is fun indeed to get dressed up.  
The event we went to is called a "Dining Out" meaning wives can come along.  During a "Dining In" wives stay home.  The Dining Out was centered around the Battle of Midway.  Remembering the battle and learning little known facts about the battle is what the night was centered around.  The fun of the night is that there is a lot of fun sarcasm thrown into the event as well as audience participation.  The Vice president of the event walks around with a microphone and asks various questions of the audience about the battle being remembered.  If you don't know the answer you are sent to the front of the room to take a swig from "The Grog" which is a huge metal bowl mixed with various liquors.  If you can answer the question correctly you are still sent to The Grog.  It doesn't matter what you know or you don't know, you will be punished.  Some of the folks get really into it and the rest of us are there for the entertainment.  There are many rules to the event, such as no laughing.. which is impossible, but in particular no clapping.  If you need to clap you can tap your spoon, fork, knife against the table or your glass.  If you accidentally clap you are sent to The Grog.  You may not eat your dinner until given permission by "The President." Before the fun begins the roast beast beef is paraded around the room and the band leader sings a song about the beast beef.    There is no such thing as getting up and going to the bathroom during the event.  If you must get up or leave for any reason you will have to ask The President for permission..There is a lot of toasting and the port we were given to toast with was particularly strong.. After about 10 toasts I decided I should probably hold the glass to my lips and refrain from the sipping.  Aside from the hymn of each branch of the military, the band also played the number one song of 1942 which was, "The Tangerine." Click the link to hear it played. It was so slow paced, smooth, a touch of drear, but oh so good!  It makes me wonder how most music of the day could ever reach "The Charts."  
Here is a picture of Jake and I during one of the designated 10 minute breaks.
Below is the group photo of us with our Good friends, Daniel and Maryn.

A sweet evening and memories to be treasured for a long while.


Blueberry Cake

Because he has blueberry eyes.
Samuel had his cake and ate it too!

Samuel is 1



Happy Birthday little man.  You are a treasure to me and to this family.   We love you so much and look forward to watching you grow into a young man of God!