
Silas Jacob is 4!!

Around the table playing with new hotwheels

Spiderman made a guest appearance

Just Cheeky!

The Party Goers
Of course we had a great time celebrating Silas.  He knew his special day was coming and asked his siblings, Jake and me quite often, "How many days til my birfday?" It was really sweet. For dinner he requested hotdogs, homemade french fries, and a chocolate cake. Easy enough for me.

Truly it was a great party and even with Jake's late hours these days the late sunset made it feel like a lot of time to celebrate.  Happy Birthday little man of the forest.

It seems like yesterday that he was born.  Silas, we are so thankful for you. You are a treasure to us and we all admire your very sweet countenance. May you grow to glorify the Lord in whatever you do.



Hazel getting rocked by her older, adoring brother.

An invitation to play from Silas.. Check out the lego block he put on her. Glad I came out of my room when I did.

Ben had to wait the longest to hold Hazel because he had a fever when we came home from the hospital.  He was so pleased to finally have his turn.

At one point the two of them were licking the beater at the same time. It's hard to resist a bit of yummy goodness.

I promise she does open her eyes.. I'm just too busy holding her when they are open. :)


Sweet Gifts

My mom has been here for the past week and sadly today she had to go home. I treasured every moment I had with her. She came and cooked for us and she and I knit and we enjoyed the children when there wasn't any duty calling. Our time was special and I'm so thankful for it. 

Mom holding Hazel for the first time.

We spent almost all of Friday outside knitting. If we weren't knitting we were admiring little one.

Isn't she precious?

Libby wants to learn to knit, but for now she watches.
Tomorrow real life begins again. Hazel has a two week check up and it will be my first time out of the house alone. The past two weeks have a been a sweet time of recovery. I'm so, so thankful for them! Thank you Jake, mom, dad, and children for making this time a treasured memory for me.