If I could get a glimpse of my life now back when I was 24 I would tell myself many things; such as expect that there will be more kids coming, expect that each day will begin with a heart transplant, expect that your house will always be a mess, expect that you will fail yourself and those you love, expect that you won't know how to answer, expect that your kids will disappoint you, expect that you will argue with your husband, expect that the Marine Corps will still "own" your husband, expect that your kids will exceed your expectations, expect that making friends will still be hard, expect that you will laugh, expect that you will cry......
Expect the unexpected.
The only thing I know that will not change is my need for my Savior, Jesus Christ. It is to Him that I turn, it is to Him that I run when life is unexpected and when life is expected.
Certainly the cross was expected for Him. He endured the rigors that no other human could. He endured and achieved. He endured and was perfect. He was stricken, smitten, and afflicted. He laid his very life down and at the end; after he was suffocated and had a spear pressed through his flesh he lay in a tomb for 3 days. At the end of which he was resurrected. He arose in a new form. Perfect and in a miraculous ascension He went to be with His Father. He awaits in His Kingdom.
It is to Him I run. I can do nothing apart from Christ. There are times I lay in bed at night and the depths of my soul ache and I wonder what will I do, how can we possibly love 8 children well? How can we possibly lead them to the Savior? How can we possibly love each other well? How can we possibly honor our parents well? The answer is we can't. The answer is so comforting that my head sinks into the pillow and we have no choice but to thrust ourselves at our God and entrust Him with all that He has entrusted us with. We pray and ask God to bring us through. We ask Christ to forgive us where we have messed up so badly. He cleans the slate and we start anew. We cling to the promise of the empty tomb and the resurrected Savior. We know we can't make it on our own. We know that we ARE in over our heads. We know that we are extremely finite and that He is Perfect and Infinite. He knows no bounds and He knows no sin.
So to Christ we run and to Christ we flee. We don't pretend to know it all. We know we don't. We don't pretend at all. We are anticipating the unexpected and Expecting the Expected. That Christ is Resurrected and on His throne. He has risen and he will conquer. He will come again.