
Sweet Pea

Hazel's been growing like a weed. I took the below pictures back in November. Since then her hair's grown much and her naughtiness is on full display. Her fondness of books has escalated and this makes me so glad to see. She's such a delight. 

Hazel has figured out the dinner routine as well. She sings with us with a sweet effort. None of the words she sings make any sense but she's trying. She's mastered her toast and heartily exclaims, "Cheers!" when it's time. She folds her little hands together in anticipation of prayers and tries to close her eyes. It's hard for me to not peek at her while I'm praying and take joy in her little eyelids fluttering open and close. 

We love Hazel. She's a delight and miracle to us; as each baby has been. I told her I had a baby in my belly just to see what she'd do. She pointed to her own belly button and qucikly ran off to grab, Sandy, her bitty baby. So sweet.


An Ode to My Husband who is 39 Today.

Happy Birthday my husband, my dear beloved!
The crown that covers my head.

My heart swells and how it overflows
With the joy of our Quiver you've stuffed with sharp arrows.
Our children adore you.
Yes, you are their Hero!

I rejoice in the treasure of your life.
How could it be you would choose me as wife?
May my own years have the continued glory
Of sharing in this; your life story.

And, lest I dare ere forget
With deepest thanks to the woman who bore you without regret.
You were born to sweet parents after Roe v. Wade
When feminists victoriously lusted in their dead parade.
May I never forget the future your precious mother gave
When she cast off the world and chose to be brave!

In a day where Godly men are few
I take strength knowing your faith is true.
Tonight when your cake is lit with fire
And we all sing to you, whom we admire.
We will thank our God for His Creating
And Christ, our Savior, Our Messiah forgaving.

Happy Birthday my husband, my dear beloved
The crown that covers my head.


Snow, Snow, Snow, Snow, Snow! and baby..

We had snow! Such a sweet time bundling up the littles. The driveway turned into a hard and fast ice patch. Jake donned his gear, grabbed the littles, and followed by everyone in between to include the fierce white creature named Salt, he charged the hill!

My family, how I love them all so much. Despite the fact they're a bunch of sinners! (Myself included.) I am seriously wondering who number 9 could possibly be. I'm befuddled by all of my symptoms. All the girl symptoms and boy symptoms I've ever had are in full bloom. Weird.

Hazel didn't understand the necessity of all the layers.

Sweet, hairy Lou!

Cool new sled on clearance from Target just in time.

Colby and Silas look alike here.

Seriously, Samuel. Enough with the eyes already!

Pretty girls waiting in line.

H e may appear to be so white, fluffy, and sweet in this picture. Don't be fooled! Somebody put him on the sleigh and sent him down the hill. He took it out on me. Poor Mom.


Crazy, Bountiful Life

We went to Maine this past weekend and gathered around with family, old friends, and kind strangers to celebrate and remember my Grandmother. It was a beautiful time together, though emotional. I came away from the Memorial Service loving my Grandmother even more. Hearing the tales of her long life and the ups and downs helped me to recognize and see first hand how God takes our worst things and turns them into His glorious things.

The kids held up well for the long drive there, 12 hours there on Friday, a down day on Saturday for the Memorial Service, and a 12 hour return drive Sunday. It was a super fast 3 days. The trip also served as a great distraction for me. I had a Dr. appt. Monday that I was nervous for, so being full of things one must do helped me to forget about my anxieties come Monday afternoon.

The Monday appt. went well and I walked away with an ultrasound picture of another little Reynolds. We are due with our 9th baby this coming August. If you see me in the summer I will be a tanned, rounded, busy mommy. WE are so excited. The news of this life arrived in December just in time for Christmas. We told the kids and they were more excited than we were. It was awesome seeing their genuine, joyful faces. No forced smiles!

In the meantime, if you're wondering why I haven't been blogging, it's because I rarely have use of my computer. So, sometimes I Facebook as that's able to be done via my phone. I just announced there and remembered my blog and felt convicted that I should come here too, because not everyone is on Facebook.

Thank you all for your prayers. We will need them. Life is busy and I'm thinking God is going to show me that my idea of busy isn't really his idea. He always stretches me for his glory. It's so that I will lean on my Christ more. For that I'm so thankful.