
The Official, Unofficial Word

You read that right. I've been given the official word of Jake's return, though in the USMC that could change at any time, since my husband has signed himself over to their use. We are so excited. I have had the date for a while now, but didn't tell the children. I sat them all down about a week ago and asked them if they would want to know when their dad would come home. I also told them this date could be lengthened by 6 days, so they would need to prepare themselves for a possible upset. Except for Colby they all wanted to know. I told the kids it was all of them know or none of them know. Colby gave me his reasoning as to why he didn't want to know. He told me he wouldn't be able to bear the disappointment of his dad not coming home on the certain day that I would reveal. I decided to withhold my information until daddy had a firm word and then I'd tell them. Well, he received the "firm word" yesterday and I told the kids within moments of the news. Their squeals of delight were so pleasing. They can't wait and we'll see him before I pay the next electric bill. So awesome.


JLR said...

You all are probably wondering, "what is the date?" Well, I'll be the bad guy, I wouldn't let Christie put it in. "Loose lips sink ships." It'll have to be a surprise.

john.reynolds1@mac.com said...

Mom and I will leave it to our Savior Jesus Christ on the date, (proverbs 27 1-2, James 4 15-16), Dad R

john.reynolds1@mac.com said...
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