
I'll Pay for a Slice of Humble Pie as Well.

What a great day to go the commissary. We really need toilet paper and bananas. Along with cheese, eggs, meat, and of course vegetables. I plan the menu for the next two weeks. This menu includes the Resurrection Day feast along with a fun St. Patrick's Day dinner. It's a long pay period so we're going to have to have meatless dinners a few nights to compensate. This is all fine and the menu is set. The grocery list completed with the exact number of potatoes to purchase and pounds of coffee to get us through. We were out of beans this morning.. a minor headache followed. Off to the commissary I go. The grocery shopping is thorough and quick. I even remembered diapers this time. I go to the front to pay out. The tally could be much worse. I grab the purse, dig for my wallet. No wallet will be found. I begin to sweat and my face is hot. Oh no, I was recording receipts this morning and left my wallet on the desk. But wait, there is hope, I come across the emergency checkbook in the bottom of my purse. It has our old Okinawan address on it, however the cashier doesn't mind. She just wants the money. It'll be ok I think to myself, I can transfer the needed funds later. But wait, my ID card is in my wallet. I am nothing without it. What will the cashier say when I tell her? She says, "and how far away do you live?" I quickly make my exit leaving a trail of sweat as I go. I had to explain to the bagger that I would be back with his tip. What a dumb-dumb. Oh well, the wallet was retrieved, I paid for my groceries and left. Next time I'll be sure to double check the purse before I leave. The bagger assures me that this sort of thing happens all the time. I try to assure myself that, I'm not losing my mind at the ago of 30, just a little distracted. Could have been worse, much worse.

1 comment:

john.reynolds1@mac.com said...

Oh Christie, do you sound like your father in law, I have post it notes everywhere and still act as though I am "the lost ball in the tall weeds". The Lord allowed me to play in a practice game today with the old guys, I was playing out in right field and knew something was wrong. I head felt so heavy! Can you believe it I left my batting helmet on! Anyway Mom and me have done the same thing at the store as you did today. By the way you are way ahead of "DAD", I still can't put the debit card strip in the machine yet right, I just guess and most of the time it"s wrong, drives Teresa crazy. I believe they need some kind senior citizen training with these debit cards cause all I do is make the customers in line mad as I am considered just an old fool thats ready for depends! We love and miss you all!