
Oprah....her own god

I have been doing a bible study entitled Idols of the Heart. It's been eye opening to say the least and I am greatful to God for excellent teaching and His Word. I know I will be held accountable for all that I have been taught and read that is truth. I will have no excuse before the Holy Judgement Seat. On that note, neither will any of us. We live in a time where it is easy to get our hands on God's Word, we could probably walk and find a church before we get thirsty for water. There are false teachers everywhere and a lot of what is being preached from pulpits across america is feel good, tickle yours ears, god made in our own image mumbo jumbo. I am not surprised by what I just viewed. Oprah is a puppet for Satan and will be held accountable. It saddens me to think of weak minded people swallowing her influence for doctrine. People, turn off your tv, log off the internet, open God's word and read it. There is only one way, Jesus Christ. He is the perfect redemption. Equal to God, only He could satisfy God's wrath against man. Believe, ask forgiveness for your sins, and repent. We are born into sin and the natural inclination of our heart is to not believe God. "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23. That includes my sweet babes. Not believing God, is calling Him a liar. The liar isn't God, it's Satan, who is the father of lies. "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9. I love to preach these things to myself, for one it humbles me to repentance, and it is also very refreshing to my soul. The Word of God is sweet and it alone is perfectly truthful. Believe God for who He is. There is no other God before Him!


john.reynolds1@mac.com said...

Way to go Christie! Love Dad R

john.reynolds1@mac.com said...

God's word is right! God's given the wisdom and strength to speak the truth is these days. May Christ's strength continue to rest upon you (II Cor 12:9) and God's word continue to speak to you. Love Mom