
Egads Silas!?!

The little man is pulling up to standing and he is throwing fits.  You may laugh and think, oh how cute.  Truly, it's no laughing matter.  He is capable of producing huge amounts of noise at the most inopportune times.  Jake and I thought we were well versed in humility from the children, but we are able to see that Silas is eager to teach us more on the subject.  Here's a picture of him standing up and another of him in a bit of a fit.


Just keep walking

Today, I went to the commissary.  I've blogged before about commissary adventures and I will blog again.  As I entered in I was offered a coupon book by a certain person.  I say certain person because it's always the same man who offers them and I always say, "no thank you."  Today was no different.  Except that after I said no thank you, the man said, "Okay young lady, you go spend that money, and continue driving the economy up!"  It was the work of the Holy Spirit which prevented me from approaching his error over his foolish choice of words.  As far as I am concerned most coupons are for people who don't plan their menu's nor their grocery lists.  They come to the store without a plan and end up buying items they would never purchase simply because they can save 30 cents on an item which they never would have bought anyway.  While I'm at it, why don't we just remove 80% of the cereal aisle, 50% of the canned items aisle, and 90% of the pre-cooked frozen dinner aisle.  In place of these wasteful, high sodium, over packaged, fluff we could extend the produce section, bring in whole grains, and more cheese and crackers.  

Alright, my soap box is uncalled for, I know.  I am guessing some may be offended.  This is merely the view of 1 Mrs. Reynolds at 115 Magnolia Mill Place in Havelock.  So here is the receipt for the items I purchased, maybe some of you will scoff...
4 - 2 quarts packages of Breyers ice cream  @ $2.29  each (sale)
1 quart half n half @ $2.49
2 gallons milk @ $3.01 each
1-2 quart coffee ice cream $4.09  (Splurge)
9-1 quart bottles of gatorade $.68 each (sale)
2-1 pound pkgs.  of Strawberries $1.88

Surcharge of $1.58
Total Spent: $33.22  

Am I driving up the economy and making it worse, well maybe by my purchase of gourmet coffee ice cream.  The sports drinks were cheaper than bottled water and for twice the liquid.  This trip to the store also fit within our budget means.


Gas Poll

How much are you paying for gas right now?

In havelock it's $3.88 and that's for the cheap stuff. 


Angry Sky

We had more hail yesterday and a tornado watch. The sky looks angry huh?

Tuesday Afternoon

Tuesday has to be my busiest day of the week. Simply put, it's the day I spend running girls to ballet and boys to ball. This post isn't about boys though. It's about 2 little girls. Jackie and Louisa. I had the chance to bring my camera in for "observation week" yesterday. The girls have been working hard for their Spring Showcase. They are performing Alice in Wonderland. We'll spend Saturday afternoon watching. Here are some pictures of them in costume. You may notice that there is a boy in the pictures. That's Connor. He takes ballet too. If you ask Louisa about him, she'll tell you that, "Connah, was a bad boy today, he did not listen to Miss Laura." It was intereseting observing their conversations in class. The girls talk about butterflies and favorite colors, while Conner mentions that, "it looks like rain today." Also, during their bar work, they discovered a pot of treasures at the end of a rainbow. Miss Laura inquired what was in each person's pot. Louisa said hers had a, "wedding ring." Conner's contained a, "big, big shark!" We enjoyed all the diversity.

Jackie is a helper during Louisa's class. She takes her own class later on Tuesday afternoon. Her part in the big production is to be a caterpillar/butterfly in Louisa's class and then tweedle dum in her own class.


Church Membership

This past Sunday, our church installed its' first ever members. Jake and I were blessed to be a part of the roll. Each person who was eligible for membership, stood up and affirmed his beliefs in the gospel in front of the church. It was a beautiful day at the assembly where we worship and we broke bread after. The Lord has been kind to us in bringing us to such a sweet fellowship of believers.
The pastor and his wife are near and dear to our hearts. Today, they are at Duke, having a checkup done. God healed our Pastor of cancer through the doctors there. We continue to give praise and thankfulness for His mercy toward them. If you are so inclined you may follow the link on our blog to the churches website.

Yard Work

Saturday's have been set aside for yard work lately. Jake took Silas along for the ride this past weekend. They had fun together.

Libby has mastered her tricycle riding skills. She goes in circles around the driveway exclaiming, "Mommy, look at me!"
Colby's digging holes!
This picture is a mystery. Jake took out the camera while me and Lib were sitting on his truck. He says that he just wants a picture of she and I together. But, deep down, there's this nagging thought that maybe he really wanted a picture of his truck.



The beauty of modesty is breathtaking in itself.  Read this blog and each of the links and I am sure all of you will be blessed.


Mother's Day Fun

We had some terrific storms yesterday. What started out as a quiet afternoon with popcorn and a game of Yahtzee ended up as an evening in the bathtub, together as a family. Very strange and humid. Why, you may ask. The weather and a series of telephone calls by a concerned father prompted this. We looked online at weatherchannel.com and there was a splendid tornado warning in front of us. Pinpointing the exact time the tornado would be at our area of the city. As soon as the storm passed another warning, and so on, and so on. Each time they lifted the warning we would surface from the bathtub, eat ice cream, crackers and cheese, popcorn, drink cold water, you get the picture. The pictures tell our story well.

Slip-Sliding Awaaaaay!

Last summer Jake wanted to teach all of the children how to slide. Not sliding down a slide, but "sliding into home" instruction. Out came the tarp and the water hose and we've had fun ever since. This year Jake wanted to teach Silas how to slide. The first 5 times everything was fine, Silas just sat there as he slid down the tarp. Happy all the way. By the time I took out our camera the excitement was in full swing and Silas was on his back. Poor little guy.


For Teresa and Karen

Mom and Mom, 
How can we possibly thank you for your love and servant-hood to us?  Over the years you have both been a part of our lives for good.  Whether it was traveling to Japan to support us because we couldn't make it home, helping us plan parties, combing the local hospitals trying to find your newborn granddaughter, drying little boys pants when they fall in the creek, or just   encouraging us by the Word.  We realize the sacrifice you have both made in living so far away from us, your children.  Wishing to be near, but unable to do so. The Marine Corps has challenged you as well.  We hold you in high esteem and would love to be with you in person on this day to hug you and kiss your cheek.  Please know the place you hold in our hearts runs deep and is treasured there.  Not only are you a special gem to us, but your grandchildren hold you both in high regard.  Your presence in their lives has influenced and trained them in such a way that the memories they have now, will only grow sweeter with the years.  We love and adore you both!   Happy Mother's Day!

Jake and Christie


Friday Fun

Today, while Jackie and Colby were testing, Ben had a fun assignment. We/I have grown to enjoy Graph Days. During these days we make lists of our friends and we gather facts about various interests. All of this in the name of how to read and gather information about graphs, diagrams, etc. It also gives the child a chance to phone family and friends, thus learning the art of communication. It is so cute to hear Ben say, "Hello, this is Ben Reynolds...." He even says that to his grandparents. Here's a picture of him hard at work.


Little Caesar's Pizza

a.k.a. the "Rattlesnakes"



"A fool shows his annoyance at once.."

just what I have been preaching to myself this week.


Workin' at the Car Wash...

One is playing and the other is helping, can you guess who?

Louisa, our right hand girl, eager to tackle any project, if it means being with her daddy.

Yes, that's Libby in her panties, in the drive way.

boys, boys, boys

they love their little brother!


Why did the turtle cross the road?

So that, he could be harassed by the Reynolds.  Of course!

ok moving along

So Ben comes out ready and dressed for his game tonight.  If you were to walk into our home you'd find him dressed up as a ball player on any given day of the week.  We are all used to it.  I try not to jump anymore when I'm hunched over steaming veggies and hear him belt out, "GONE!"  When I hear this I know there's been another imaginary homerun. He is often going over in his mind various victories on the baseball field and in the, "Wiffle Ball Corner," of the backyard.  Back to what I was saying, Ben comes out all dressed up and noticeably larger.... I forget I had bought him a cup.  The only way he can play catcher is if he has one on.  I asked him if he was comfortable and if he needed any help.  Obviously I wasn't the only one who noticed, because before I knew it, Louisa comes around the corner, GRABS him, and says, "Hey Ben, wha-what is this?"  My, my if we had a hidden camera for all the behind the scenes humor at this house, I'd be famous..... or locked up because my kids are crazy.