
Egads Silas!?!

The little man is pulling up to standing and he is throwing fits.  You may laugh and think, oh how cute.  Truly, it's no laughing matter.  He is capable of producing huge amounts of noise at the most inopportune times.  Jake and I thought we were well versed in humility from the children, but we are able to see that Silas is eager to teach us more on the subject.  Here's a picture of him standing up and another of him in a bit of a fit.


john.reynolds1@mac.com said...

We all have fits including Grandpa and Grandma if we do not get our way, i.e. Grandma is pitching a fit currently because she must have her milk duds at Walmart before we go see the Narnia picture as the Walmart milk duds are .88 verses 3.50 at the AMC.

Jesse said...

Mmm, milk duds...

CLR said...

not so sure about the milk duds, but peppermint patties and popcorn, now that's a theater treat to me..