

Choke UP!
Eat It, Eat It!
OH Blue!
Now you've seen it!
Put on your "Rally Caps!"
a little d, a little d!
Hey badda, hey badda, heyyyy!

For the past few months these words have been repeated over and over again.  I have decoded what most of them mean and yes, I've even said, "Oh Blue!"  These are the baseball isms.  Some of them I still don't get and tell me, why would you turn your baseball hat inside out?  Is it really going to help the batter?  
Colby finished up the season yesterday.  The all star game was a double elimination tournament and we lost the first 2 games.  Colby played his best and didn't give up, pitch a fit, or cry.  We haven't seen him do any of those, but that doesn't mean they are unfamiliar to a baseball game at any given time.  Jake and I are looking forward to having a little time off in the evenings, and from the words of Ben last night, "Dad do you think we can go to the field tomorrow and hit some balls, so I can start getting ready for next season?"

1 comment:

Karen said...

I am sooooo proud of Colby ... what a gentleman ball player he is.
glad the season ended with good attitudes ...
I need to show him how to play whiffle ball!