
What's Fall without Croup and Chocolate?

Libby, Silas, and Louisa, in that order, have come down with a croup like illness. You know the tight chest, wheezy bit? All accompanied by the thick running nose and eyes to boot. Jackie took such pitty on Libby that she set her up a little palate, just perfect for a sickie. She read her stories, helped her sip water and eventually....

Libby was fast asleep. She slept in this chair for a good hour, while the rest of us chanted through Brenda Shurley English. We have kept ourselves busy the past 2 days with this very same routine, sick kids, doting on sick kids, and schooling. All of this routine was suddenly upset today when the kids announced the ups man was here with a box. A box, you may ask, yes I did too, I haven't ordered anything in some time and was quite curious what it could be. It dawned on me that perhaps it was a birthday present for Libby, as she is turning 3 next week. Well, I was wrong, joyously so. All I have to say is Thank you Mrs. Jackson! If you are quite curious about what is in this assortment, then do look to your left there on the screen and scroll down to Joseph Schmidt Confections. There you may entice yourself with all of the delectable goodies Mr. Schmidt is selling this Fall. And did I mention I love Fall?


JLR said...

Have I told you lately how much I admire you? Well, I do, and your response to life's friction by giving glory to God and loving people is an example to me.

I will be home to help as soon as I can baby...tropical cyclone pop-up on the day we are supposed to return - are you kidding me??

Anonymous said...

3 croupies???? You make me count my blessings, since James is my only one. I punted school supervision yesterday and today is looking very much the same. Probably because I ran out of coffee :)

Christy said...

What a sweet big sister you are Jackie!