On days like this one, when the mornings are crisp and the afternoons warm, young men are given over to their imaginations and have the potential for adventures of any sort. Today was no different than any one of those days. Colby has been watching the squirrels in the morning religiously. Colby and Salt that is. They both stare out the window, one frothing at the mouth, the other drooling. One wants breakfast, the other to pick up his beloved .177 caliber pellet BB gun. By now, you know which is which. Well, this morning Colby loaded his gun and lurked around the backyard taking aim at a couple of unlucky squirrels. One of the squirrels was shot and wounded. Colby's jealous partner, Salt,
looked on. The squirrel ran back over the fence and unfortunately, I fear the size of a squirrels head is indicative of the size of their brain, the squirrel came back and with a fatal blow, lost his head, at least part of it, as it turned out there was an ear that had been penetrated by a BB.
I didn't witness the event, thank the Lord, because I fear Colby's fun would have ended after shooting the squirrel the first time. Colby came rushing upstairs, breathless with fear and excitement. Fear over shooting a critter to its death, and excitement over shooting a critter to its death... He wanted to call his friend Mick and report the good news. He also wanted to skin it and keep its tail. I told him no sir, no way, don't talk to me anymore about this poor squirrel. Then I recanted and told him to call his dad at work.
Jake called back not long after and let's just say the following moments were spent in utter excitement as Colby collected his knife, his homeschooling buddy down the road, a bucket of water, and some paper towels. On close look at the squirrel, the boys discovered that the poor thing had an acorn in its mouth, don't be mistaken they weren't calling it poor thing, that's me. They had a blast skinning the thing and it drove the dog half mad, as he raced in circles inside the house madly barking as the boys laughed and played with squirrel guts outside. Yuck! The rest my friends is history, literally.
jack is going to be just green and no doubt will sit out back with BB gun, waiting to duplicate Colby's efforts....on second thought, maybe I won't even tell him :)
way to go Colby!
I don't know who is more excited! What a way to celebrate the opening day of squirrel season. Thanks for letting my boy in on the action! Wait - is squirrel hunting legal if it is in the backyard?! I have a feeling we are in for lots of squirrel skins - maybe we can make a rug!
Grandpa Reynolds, and your late Great Grandpa Jeffrieswho was an avid hunter are proud of you on your first squirrel kill.
Poppy will sing his praises while I feel sorry for the squirrel. He was having his last supper and didn't get to finish.
Way to go Colby!
Remember when you got the BB gun, we had to quarantine all the little kids while we went out and shot it.
Colby the hunter!
That last comment was from Poppy on me me's blog
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