
And tomorrow, it's the girl's turn...

Tonight I decided to get after the boys room. It was a mess, smelled like a coat from the lost and found, and well I've been avoiding this task for some time. So, off to work we went. There were all kinds of things to be thrown away. We filled one trash bag to the rim. The room was in such an uproar that in the middle of the clean-up Salt came in and yacked on the floor. I took it as a sign of a mother's duty put off for far too long. Unfortunately, in the midst of our clean up, I was made aware that my dear sons have a larger idol worship problem than I thought. There were all kinds of things that if I even breathed near, it sent them into a frenzy of, "please don't throw that away, it's so special to me." What's so special about a piece of paper with some strange code, about a cardboard box torn at the edges, about a pile of miniature rocks that all resemble an old man's teeth? These things are far from my understanding, but really I can relate. Didn't I just flip out when one of the Little's grabbed my knitting project and tried to undo it? Really, I've got an idol worship problem too. Oh for the love of the world and the things here. It's shameful to think of what makes me stumble. I'm so pleased for my Redeemer, for the Holy Spirit to make me aware of my sins. Oops, I didn't mean to turn this into an self-examining post.

We finished the room with great success. Soon Silas and his crib will be moving in. The boys are thrilled and I know Silas will love it too. I often find the little guy hanging out in there. He plays with there toys, tries to climb on there beds, or just sits in the middle of the floor and sucks his thumb while he holds his blankie.


JLR said...

Soon he'll be lego-maniac number three.

Claire Higgins said...

Sharing rooms is the best! For a while there were 3 of us girls in a room and I even shared a double bed with a sister for a while. :) We had our moments, but I am convinced it has contributed to my ability to share well...hehe