
Ballerina Girls

My little ballerina's, Jackie and Louisa, have the privilege of dancing at a fine studio near our
 home.  Twice per year parents are permitted to come in the ballet room and take pictures of their daughters.  December was the first such privilege and it was so fun.  Louisa has come such a long way in her dancing and I have to say seeing her in her bright pink tutu lit up my afternoon.  She thoroughly enjoys herself while dancing.  

Jackie has become such a graceful young lady through her dance.  I watch her and find myself amazed at the increasing ability she has with the sport/hobby.  Jake and I agree it's been well worth the investment of our time and finances to see them progress.  Jackie also takes Character which would explain the picture of her buckling her shoes.


Anonymous said...

You've got girls to be proud of, Ballet Mom!

Claire Higgins said...

Beautiful girls! How precious :)

john.reynolds1@mac.com said...

They are growing up too quick!

Karen said...

What beautiful your ladies they both are.