What is it about the snow that makes us open our mouths to taste it? Somehow, or maybe it's a Reynolds thing and we have our mouths open too often anyway, I managed to capture the kids at various intervals with mouths wide open, tongues hanging out. Jackie was the only civilized one of the bunch who mounded her snow into a nougat of sorts and nibbled from it. We had an expected, and most delightful snow day today. Ben was so beside himself that he had to shield his eyes from the sight of it just to get through grammar. Libby played hard and didn't come in the house until her little fingers were a deep shade of maroon and her nose was running wildly. I told her to come in and take off her outdoor duds. She in turn exclaimed, "I need some hot chocolate." I always knew she'd be the brilliant one. So, we enjoyed hot chocolate, myself a cup of Chai, each in turn as the frost bit hard on their little fingers and they were forced to it.
Even Salt took part in the action. He was stirred by the whole event and romped about racing after the kids. At one point he was, "turning Japanese, I think I'm turning Japanese!" because the wind was gusting so hard his little eyes were squinting. He also had a little frozen goatee going on. When he came in, Jackie mentioned something about how, "one time I read about dog's stomach's freezing because he ate too much snow." Louisa was immediately compelled to serve, and forced him to drink hot water. Poor Salt.
It's still snowing now and I'd say we've got a good 3 inches. I'm no meteorologist, so that number could be off, but you can't see the grass any longer and there are drifts here and there. With tomorrow's high being a mere 37, I think the kids will be after it again. Right now their coats are tumbling in the wash and dryer so that they'll be ready for tomorrow.
i am surprised the kids weren't begging for their sleds up in the attic. have fun guys!
Um, they were and I was paranoid they'd destroy the back yard... I'll pull them out tomorrow.
Grandpa and Isa still loved to play in the snow. When Jake was Colby's age we lived in a place called Aspendell at 8500 feet elevation in the central Sierra Nevada mountains of Calif. We would have snow fights until we were soaked in sweat. I"m talk'in real snow fights until your arms hurt, sometimes they would go on for 15 minutes or so, very fond memories for Grandpa At one point during that winter we had 6 1/2 feet on the level, and Jakes mother had just about had enough as snow was so deep you could barely see out the lower windows. At that time we had a cat by the name of Brandy, Shame on me, as Grandpa abused that poor cat, but she loved me anyway, I used to throw her out in the snow and poor brandy would disappear until I would go rescue her, the strange thing, she was always purring when I picked her out of the snow.
Dad, Jake tells me stories of him putting tape on the cats paws and watching it flip out.
The boys had a snowball fight yesterday too. I'll have to post those pictures as well.
How fun :) It is great when we can enjoy nature so much!
Christie, yes Jake did tease Brandy with many projects, I guess we could say the only child sin-drome! He just like his dad at times, he's a teaser
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