Libby seems to have 2 different color eyes. On most days one of her eyes is blue and the other is green, there are some times that both appear blue, but only from a distance. We constantly play with her about it. Saying things like, "Libby why are your eyes 2 different colors?" or "Libby, point to your green eye". She in turn will consistently point to the wrong one and we have to say, "No, Libby that's your blue eye, the other one is green".
All of this attention has obviously caused some confusion as Louisa will sometimes ask, "What color is this eye, and what about this other one?" We always affirm that both her eyes are the same color and that's how it is with 99% of people...
Then there is confusion because when babies are born, their eyes are one color and as they grow their eyes eventual settle into a permanent color. We've determined Silas will have green eyes, like Colby, Jackie, myself, and one of Libby's. This has caused even more confusion, enough so that maybe we'll need to just quit talking eye color all together.
While looking through some old pictures from Japan, Benjamin remarked, "Oh look, my eyes used to be red!"
Unfortunately our older camera didn't have red eye reduction. Poor Ben. I just let it fly... No need to explain that one.
how precious! Thanks for the beautiful story about the eyes for you all.
Now I'm confused! Do I even have eyes, and if I do, what color are they anyway?
Wait a minute, I just realized...you are washing my show cars and you've made our winter centipede green again. What a woman you truly are!
Don't puff me up... you know that was last summer and I was sitting on my bum while you washed the cars..
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