(This picture is from 3 weeks ago at another families' home from the church)
We had the opportunity to worship at Trinity Covenant Church again today. This is the church where we are pretty certain we will place our membership. After church we were invited to eat with a family from the church. The kids were all jazzed up about it because we were bringing along some yummy treats to eat and the fact that the family had a chicken coop. Upon arrival the kids were ushered to the coop and permitted to gather eggs, which they were delighted with. Silas was thrilled about all the, "birds." Not long after, Libby (you could probably guess where this was going) started whimpering and crying exclaiming how she'd been, "bit by a chicken!" She had decided to lean against the coop fence and a proud chicken or maybe rooster came right up and pecked her on the bridge of her nose, right between her eyes! I have to say that it was a rather humorous event. I mean if you had to put my kids in a line up and guess which one would end up pecked by a chicken wouldn't you guess Libby? She seems to be fine with only a small triangle wound to boast. Though tonight during family reading she announced that she was, "Mrs. Thomas" and pointed to a picture of Jesus and called him, "Pastor Thomas." Either she's missing our friends or we may need to start therapy straight away!
Funny story and great pic!
We had thousands of chickens when we were kids and a rite of passage was to go into the barn where the chickens were loose, with shorts on.
They would tear our legs up with their beaks,
Lots of whining!!
What a wonderful day with all the chickens and minor injuries.
Yes, I would definitely guess Libby. In fact you were right just reading the title I somehow knew it was her.
What you might find to be surprising...or scary...or hilarious is that Lily seems to be filling Libby's shoes at church quite nicely as the busy, busy toddler who never stops running, singing or causing mischef.
Christ Keesecker looked at me last Wednesday and said "Did you see this coming? Because I'll be honest, I didn't!"
Awesome story, even better memory!! Your kids are so adorable and I can't believe how quickly they grow up :) You are so very blessed!!
I can assure you sweet, Libby,
Pastor Thomas is not Jesus.
Although, I am honored that you
would pretend to be me!
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