
The Crated Creature of Happiness.

Oh yes, somebody is very excited!


pops said...

He should be!!!


Claire Higgins said...

The fun begins!

john.reynolds1@mac.com said...

wish dad was there to get my hands dirty, colby and ben will have a blast!

Karen said...

when does it go back in the truck?

JLR said...

As soon as I finish re-wiring the instrument panel and the front end. Don't hold your breath Mah!

pops said...

Hey Jake
Remember when we used to try getting your old little truck to run out in front of Palmer street?

You've come a LONG way!!!

JLR said...

How can I forget, me and Colby literally flooded trying to make it for a hot meal from you guys! Excellent practical lesson in the need for a "dry" distributor. You'd think I'd want to go to electronic ignition or something...maybe next year.