I don't know what the title has to do with this post. Well actually I do, it has nothing to do with this post. It's a funny line from a movie that we own and Jake and I will randomly say it to each other and smile. If you know the movie then speak up and I'll be impressed.. I'm always curious if other people steal lines from movies and incorporate them into their lives as often as Jake and I do.
What have we been doing around here at the Reynolds Home? A lot, I can assure you. What are we doing this week? A lot, I can assure you, but there will be no homeschooling. We are taking the week off. Can I get cheer? I intend to do some much needed housework. I have discovered that as the family has been growing, from new births to bigger shoes, that the house is requiring a lot more upkeep and somehow I don't have the time to upkeep it. What with homeschooling and wifing and homeschooling and mothering and homeschooling and everything else, cleaning has taken its place on the back burner. I think that there would be people shocked to step into our home and see its condition. It's not dilapidated by any means but it needs some TLC. There are other things we've been doing too, like spending far too much money on butter. Yes, I've been spending $40.00 a month on butter. I have been trying to determine where all of my grocery money has been going and I have made a partial discovery.. Oh butter! Though it strikes me as funny. There was a time when two pounds of butter would get us through a month, but as I mentioned before the family is growing. It's funny to me that we would be consuming 16 pounds of butter a month, but we are. Also, pie season crept into my kitchen door and that hasn't encouraged things any, or maybe it has ;). We are also spending $60.00 a month on milk. I bet you didn't think this would be a post about my food budget did you? Though these figures are rather startling we don't spend more than $20.00 a month on packaged foods such as chips and boxed cereal. We do so much baking which is better for us and it's cheaper. Butter may be pricy per pound, as is milk, but when you compare to say a pound of chips.. it wins out! Alright, alright, enough about butter and milk.
We are heading up to Redding for Thanksgiving to celebrate with Jake's family. We are all very excited and someone in particular is looking forward to her first Thanksgiving in years where she isn't the one running the show. Sound a little selfish? It is. All I am bringing are rolls. Rolls which I've already made and are sitting in the, what seems to be the, ever shrinking garage freezer. They are waiting for a ride up to Redding, to be devoured by hungry, turkey-feasting, thankful people. The Reynolds are also bringing a song with them. That's right, I bet you didn't know we could sing. Well a few of us can hold a tune and the rest are good at batting there little eyelashes and always winning a smile. So, sing we will.
We have been doing lots of celebrating as there have been many new babies born to sweet neighbors and ladies within our church, thus all of the knitting I've been doing. We are excited about our own little wee one as well. There is a new pattern I'm going to be trying and I'll post results once I'm done. It may be a while though as I've vowed not to knit anything for my babe until all of the gifts for others are done. I'm about 11 and 1/2 weeks at this point and should be seeing some less-nauseating days around the corner soon, I hope.
This has turned into a very wordy entry and I've been all over the page, so I'll quit for now or at least a few hours..
We sure do love all of you out there who read our little family blog. We miss those of you who we are away from during these Holiday Celebrations. Know that we think of you and pray for you and especially your deployed spouses and brothers!