Samuel is getting used to his cast. It hasn't been the smoothest of times for the little lad. Why, the second day with the thing on he took it off. It was during his nap and he was crying. I finally went to go get him and he was standing in his pack n play, favoring his broken bone, and waving the cast around no doubt thinking to himself, "Look mom, I took this thing off for us!" I had to sit on him and shimmy the thing back over his fat hand and down his arm... not a fun time. He has taken it off 3 other times since then. He's impressive. He's so determined. He won't back down until he's achieved his desires. Below are the promised pictures.
Sam is growing tired of being autographed.. He thinks to himself, I'm not a baseball card.
Each day has brought more sticky, gunky residue to his new body armor. |
That's right Sam, You love mom. |
He is determined! Where does that come from?
thanks for the pictures!
Sounds like you need some duct tape.
I'm betting when they casted him, they thought it was a permanent deal :) How long does it stay on?
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