The following update isn't from one day's work, but it is the work of several days past, present, and eventually future. The life around here is very much hurricane-like. You have the fabulous sunny days, the dark cloud days which signal something is brewing, the wicked storm itself, the eye of the storm or the seemingly everything is fine part of it, and then of course the tail end of the storm which could last longer than its' beginnings. Then the rains stop, the winds cease, the messes are tidied up and behold the sun is out again and the days are lovely. So here's a small glimpse of what's been going on:
Colby Brett has been plugging away hard at school. He's involved in a Co-op for Biology and it has been wonderful. I fretted big time last Spring over what we were going to do about Biology come Fall. Biology isn't a class to be self-paced through. It requires in depth discussion and teaching as well as some foreknowledge of the subject. Obviously I know that God is the Creator of all things and all life stems from Him. Without Him there would still be the empty, void, nothingness. The question is how to teach that in scientific terms. When we arrived here in VA the only Co-op that was highly recommended had filled its' Biology class. That left me feeling a bit stranded. I decided I would somehow fill in my day with another class and teach Biology. Colby and I would learn it together and have a good time doing so. Then into my lap fell the hand of Providence. It is always sweet when that happens. We had an email in our inbox about a Biology Coop being taught by a woman with her college degree in the subject. For $50 plus supplies Colby was in. What a sweet answer to our needs. The funny thing is, I hadn't been praying for a co-op, I had given up and there the gift was in my inbox!
Colby at a local pond drawing observations. |
Hazel has outgrown her bassinet, so we needed our crib back from Samuel. In order for this to happen we needed a bed for Samuel. In order for that to happen we had to go shopping. I brought Libby along as my test subject to see if there would be enough head clearance for Samuel to sit up. Indeed there was, so we purchased the below bunk bed. Hazel got her crib and the littles have bunk beds in their room now.
Hello there Libby. |
Speaking of Libby... She informed me yesterday that she wants a new mother. One that speaks Spanish.
Then there's big Ben. Check out the Cowboy jersey. Go Boys! He's been trying his hand in the kitchen and can now successfully make Macaroni and Cheese and
Bake Cookies!
His are the chocolate chips in the front of the picture. They were from a nestle package which came with a pizza.
(I know what you're thinking, Frozen pizza, Frozen cookie dough? You betcha!) |
My mom came for a visit. She is so dear! We took her back to the airport yesterday. That's where some of my kids think she lives. Salt wishes he could go live with her. Sorry Salt, your curse is to spend forever with our wild family.
Woof |
Okay, look at the picture below. Need I say more? Look at those crazy eyes and that wild hair. I had scheduled a date to cut his hair off. It was going to be October 28th. Obviously that day has come and gone. I will try to better at the next scheduled time.
Sammy T., you are a crazy boy! |
Ahhh, time for a coffee break.
My fine man. Coffee is always a help in the throws of life. |
Hello there little girl Hazel. She is pleasant and light brown. She is 4 and 1/2 months old.
Yes, I'm talking about you now. |
Her hair is flattening some because it's growing a bit longer. She is so sweet.
Hazel, you are precious. |
She is a joy and breath of fresh air. She is extremely observant and already moves her mouth as if she's trying to talk. She's working on cutting a tooth as well.
Don't grow too fast love. |
There you have it. A glimpse into the peaceful part of hurricane season.
Just got home from Milan and this is so sweet to see!!
Hazel, dear. I love you!!
Such a lovely bunch! We want to come visit!
I love the bunk! Where did you find it? Sounds like you need to learn Spanish soon.
Dad, I'm so glad you're home safely!
Hey M, we bought it at Good Wood. It has dresser drawers under the step part of it. Silas feels like a King when he climbs up top.
Jen, we want you to come too, will you email me your number?
I love the weather at your house. It is always changing, just like Texas.
sunshine today and maybe some rain tomorrow :)
What wonderful crew. We love you all. Love Mom
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