Well, as I was thumbing through pictures I discovered some older photos which I hadn't seen in a while. Below is a photograph of Colby and Jackie at a birthday party in Okinawa. What's bizarre to me is that when I look at the picture I am astonished at how little they are; yet when I think back to the party where the picture was taken I can still remember it very clearly. Jake and I were there together and shortly after I photographed these two darlings I handed Jake the camera. He dropped it and the lens jammed inside. We had to send it off to the states and have it repaired. Anyway, this thought isn't about broken cameras. It's about how much Colby and Jackie have changed so much in such a short time. I mean, just look at them!
Here they are about 6 and 4 years old. |
Here they are 14 and 12 years old. Looking the same, but also much different. I fear that if I'm not mindful they'll be in college standing beside one another before I blink. |
Off to the random. We headed down to the blessed NC coast this past weekend for a retreat with our former church. Can I just say that it was a retreat? It was truly refreshing. I've never taken a family retreat where I have come back... refreshed. While we were there Jake got to surf. The sweet man doesn't get to do much of that anymore and it's one of his favorite hobbies, if not the favorite! Can you imagine your favorite hobby being out of your reach?
Here he is, as the the surfers say, "Getting Stoked." |
This is just a beautiful picture under the pier. |
More randomness in the form of sweetness. Hazel adores Colby. Colby adores Hazel. It's a strange day if Colby hasn't whisked the little miss up in his arms for lots of loves. She and he have a sweet relationship. Colby has always adored the babies that God has brought into our family. Well I should clarify. All of them except for sweet Jackie. There was the time with Colby, his tricycle and Jackie inside her bassinet.. he tried to run it over, then there was the time that Colby threw Hotwheels inside Jackie's bassinet while she was sleeping, then the time that he nailed her in her car seat with his loaded sippy cup... I can't blame him though, he was only 2 years old and had been the only child, maybe he knew it was the start of a long life of babies, babies, babies. Since Benjamin he's adjusted very well and is a shining example to everyone else of how the babies should be treated.
Dear souls. |
Enough of random posting. I'm off to therapy for Samuel. Because he doesn't say more than 10 words and most of his language consists of the word "no" we decided we'd bring him to therapy. His therapist likes him very much. I don't blame her, he is pretty awesome!
I love your random update!!! me and colby's babyship is history eh??
I love the picture of me and Haze! Thanks!
Yes! The blessed NC coast! It was great to see you for an extended time. Beau was heart broken that he could not hug every single one of you when you left. Guess we will have to make up for it soon!
Colby looks so much like Benjamin in that photo and Jackie looks like a brown headed Libby. I guess the Reynolds kids hold true to their looks throughout time!
Hey Jake, wonderful to see you mini surfing, by the way Lake Tahoe had 4 to 8 foot waves last weekend without the sharks, alot of surfers took advantage of this rare event. Glad you guys got to reunite with the NC church, get pictures Christie.
Great post, thanks for sharing.
Yeah Dad those were some small waves, but given my proficiency of late, its probably best to stick with that size spectrum. Lake Tahoe sounds like fun, anyone trying to surf the wind swell?
Love the pics and the stories that go with them !!
We did speech therapy with Noah, too. The speech lady was such a blessing and just loved Noah, and we saw so much progress. Hope all goes well for little Samuel!
Colby's teeth have already shifted! His smile is wonderful. And Hazel ... well we all know about Hazel :)
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