
Just in case I ever wonder.

Once again today I found myself wondering, questioning mine and Jake's sanity in homeschooling and parenting our large brood of lovelies.. What if we mess up? What if our family turns out weird? What if I never see the light of day without some form of spit up on my shoulder? What if all of this, these visions, these dreams, this massive faith we have that we are making the best choices doesn't work out the way we had envisioned? Then I realized that none of this is going to work out the way we had envisioned. None of this massive effort to train our children well is going to work out just as we have planned. As a matter of fact.. I can't control any of it. Each time I put in my great attempt, I fall flat. on. my. hind end. Yes, I have no control. My God sustains it all and ordains it all. I am not a puppet, but I am at the hand of the Lord. What I desire is to please Him. So the fruit of these hands and of my husbands is good. Not because we did it, but because the Lord makes it so. All things work together for the good of those who love the Lord and who are called according to His purpose! His purpose is to be glorified. Glorified he will be. We will fail in our own great plan, because in our own great plan.. (we are the ones being glorified). That sounds really ugly and it reads even uglier. Yet, when we understand God's great will. His beautiful glory, we will thrive in his plan. Glory be to Him, forever, and for always.


Tiffany said...

So blessed! I need a daily reminder of this ; )

john.reynolds1@mac.com said...

wonderful message!

CHiggins said...

That's why we call it FAITH !!

Karen said...

You are right! Our plans are to glorify us ... It is in His hands! Didn't you say that to me recently? hmmmm. My wise girl!