
Getting there.

I'm so pleased to be so close to the end of the pregnancy. I'm feeling very full of extra life and joy and a wee bit of exhaustion. I'm very confused about who is coming, whether a son or daughter. There are days I'm convinced it's a boy and there are days I'm convinced it's a girl.. My due date is the 27th of this month and as usual I find myself playing games with my mind that I will go early. After all its been so busy and truly nonstop that maybe my body will just labor early because its so tired.. Then I game around with myself and think no way, I'll be induced again..

Jake has given Colby practice drives to the hospital just in case I start labor and he's not here to take me.. Poor Colby, I really hope that's not the case.

I was thinking we'd play another game and try guessing the gender, the birthdate and the weight of the baby. Just like last time if you guess the wrong gender it's an automatic DQ! Below are the previous stats to help in your guessing. Leave guesses in the comment box below. Not on FB. :)

Colby - 3 days late 7 lbs 3 oz.
Jackie - 2 days late 8 lbs 10 oz.
Benjamin - 12 days late 8 lbs 14 oz.
Louisa - 9 days late 9 lbs 4 oz.
Libby - 1 day late 7 lbs 8 oz.
Silas - 10 days late 8 lbs 8 oz.
Samuel - 15 days late 9 lbs 12 oz.
Hazel - 11 days late 8 lbs 13 oz.

Happy guessing. There will be a prize for the winner. Not so sure what it will be yet.. But it may have something to do with pentagons. 

Love to you all. Please pray for me. I still get scared about this whole birthing thing and the last time was a doozy. 


Christy said...

I guess boy. 9 days late (sorry!) and 9 lbs. 9 oz. (sorry again!).

Love you!!!

Diane Garaway said...

Praying for you friend...He will meet your every need. May the joy of the Lord be your strength. Xxxooo

CLR said...

Christy, :( not funny. But you'll probable win. :)

Diane, thank you.

Claire Higgins said...

Ok 6 days late, 8 lbs 7 oz. practically perfect in every way!

Unknown said...

Gonna have to go with a boy who will be 2 days early and a whopping 8.2 lbs! Sayin' a little prayer for yooooou! ;)

Unknown said...

Gonna have to go with a boy who will be 2 days early and a whopping 8.2 lbs! Sayin' a little prayer for yooooou! ;)

jackie777 said...

I guess girl, three days late, 7lbs 4oz

Anonymous said...

Ok, dear friend. I say it's a girl, because we can't have everything be the same about our families :). And, keep hoping, but I think 8 days late and 8 lb 12 oz.
It's truly a guessing game :). If I had a wish for you, it would be 8 days early and a nice 8 pound baby, but we both know that isn't likely to be the case.

Mary said...

Girl, one day early, 7.19

Karen said...

Boy, 2 days late, 9 pounds and 2 ounces.

Jen T said...

I just saw that Karen had the exact same guess as me, so I'll change mine a teeny bit.

I guess boy, 9 lbs 2 oz, 3 days late.

(But I hope sweet baby is just a liiiittle bit early, for your comfort and so I can make sure to see him/her before we go!)

Ivanna said...

I'm guessing girl. 5 days late and 9lbs 1oz. Praying for you!

Anonymous said...

Okay, I am guessing boy, 4 days late, 8 pounds, 5 ounces.

dirtandrib said...

Girl, 6 days late, 7lbs. 12oz.

Lisa said...

3 days late, a boy, 8 lbs 9 ozs

lifeinthepack-joan.blogspot.com said...

That little tiny belly holds 9 pounders?! Holy cow! I carry much bigger and my babies have averaged 6lbs, 10oz.......Maybe I eat too much?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

boy, 6 days late, 7.8

Christina said...

I think Hazel needs a little playmate, so girl, 1 day early, 7lbs 14oz.

Claire Higgins said...

oops, and boy.

Karen said...

Nan says; It's a boy!! 9lbx, 11 ozs. sorry but I do believe that it is a bouncer. Love you much, I hope that you go early but I think it si going to be 7 days late. Love you, Nanny

Jessica Growden said...

I guess girl. 7 days late. 8 lbs. 5 oz. And you are still my SHE-RO!!!! Love you all. Hugs and blessings to the Reynolds from the Growdens.

Jen said...

I tried to guess already, but I think the internet ate it. Anyway, I'm guess 7 days late so Sept 3 (just like me!!!) and a boy. 10 lbs. (Not that I want you to have a 10 lb baby, but I am convinced I am having a 10 lb baby, so that is my guess for you too.)

Rebekah said...

I guess boy: 4 days late, 9lb 8oz

Appollo Schloss said...

Girl, soon.....very soon, and just the right size. :)

Karen said...

Nanny says, I win. 7 days was my guess at 9lbs-11ozs. I hope all is well and that both you and the new baby are wonderful. love you much. Nanny