

It's hard to homeschool. In fact, it's hard to parent. Anyone who believes a homeschool mom has it altogether best think again. We homeschool moms are just as dysfunctional as those who don't. The reason why is because we moms are all sisters, we are daughters of Eve. We are living in the same, wretched, broken bodies. Longing to live perfectly and be the best. On this side of glory there will only be a broken best, and a broken perfect. We each wake up in the morning with the same day. We make our decisions based on faith. On faith that you are doing the right thing, wether it's sending your kids on the bus or to the breakfast table for another day of teaching. At the end of the day we round up the kids and go over what went great or what went wrong. Apologies are made and victories are celebrated. For the redeemed the story digs deeper. We have this hope that despite our failings, despite our lack of faith we will be redeemed and our work will be revealed for what it was. We hope and pray we hear those precious promised words, 'Well done, good and faithful servant.'


Karen said...

Glad to see you blogging again. My perfectly imperfect child. Love you

Anonymous said...

So happy to see an update! ; )
As always, a very dear encouragement.

Merry Christmas!
