
Surprise, Surprise, Silas is Sinful

Oh my sweet Silas. Born sinful, just like all the other children, and his parents too. What am I to do with a child who worships me as his idol? At this age just love him and begin pointing him to the One he should worship. We were all born to worship, the question is who will that be, or what will that be? As I watch my children in various stages of life, I am able to see the deep, desperate condition of their hearts. I want so much to make them understand the gospel, the Glory of the Father. However, Jake and I are learning, daily in fact, that we can't make anyone understand God, that's the job of the Holy Spirit. We may only pray and guide the children in what they ought to do. They resist with all that's in them. Yet, little by little we do see change. The question is do they realize how desperate they need God? I am not sure if they do, though some of them appear to be desiring God, a bit. This is beautiful to watch and I pray that it explodes within them!


john.reynolds1@mac.com said...

As you said the God draws we can only help them when they are ready. We are all sinful and desperately wicked. Only Christ's blood cleanses us so that we may approach the throne of God as righteous. We can not be good people without Christ's atonement and His ongoing work in our lives. And yes our children are not without sin.

Anonymous said...

Ouch. How did I miss the Mommy-as-idol syndrome?? Probably because it's nice to be idolized (except when it's inconvenient, and even then you get the satisfaction of being "important"). Thanks for the think!

Claire Higgins said...

Thanks for the nice words Christie. They are real. I have noticed as well that you cannot "force" the Lord on others and in fact have witnessed that that action only pushes some away. Your kids are amazing and are great reflections of their parents.