
Gas Poll

How much are you paying for gas right now?

In havelock it's $3.88 and that's for the cheap stuff. 


CLR said...

Scratch that, it's 3.96

john.reynolds1@mac.com said...

Dad R just paid $.3.54

Claire Higgins said...

Oh my gosh, that is so scary. I am going to reveal what we pay...ready...? Ok, $2.43 a gallon. Isn't it strange that we think that is CHEAP? And actually, I just did the math because Pemex doesn't visibly display the price of gas--nice huh? Well, they are the only gas company down here in Mexico so no one really has a choice to pay it or not; it's our only option!

CLR said...

Claire, that's crazy cheap. Though a year ago I would have scoffed at it. I didn't realize that Mexico had it for so cheap. WOW!!

pops said...

It cost me $92 to fill up last weekend.