
Just keep walking

Today, I went to the commissary.  I've blogged before about commissary adventures and I will blog again.  As I entered in I was offered a coupon book by a certain person.  I say certain person because it's always the same man who offers them and I always say, "no thank you."  Today was no different.  Except that after I said no thank you, the man said, "Okay young lady, you go spend that money, and continue driving the economy up!"  It was the work of the Holy Spirit which prevented me from approaching his error over his foolish choice of words.  As far as I am concerned most coupons are for people who don't plan their menu's nor their grocery lists.  They come to the store without a plan and end up buying items they would never purchase simply because they can save 30 cents on an item which they never would have bought anyway.  While I'm at it, why don't we just remove 80% of the cereal aisle, 50% of the canned items aisle, and 90% of the pre-cooked frozen dinner aisle.  In place of these wasteful, high sodium, over packaged, fluff we could extend the produce section, bring in whole grains, and more cheese and crackers.  

Alright, my soap box is uncalled for, I know.  I am guessing some may be offended.  This is merely the view of 1 Mrs. Reynolds at 115 Magnolia Mill Place in Havelock.  So here is the receipt for the items I purchased, maybe some of you will scoff...
4 - 2 quarts packages of Breyers ice cream  @ $2.29  each (sale)
1 quart half n half @ $2.49
2 gallons milk @ $3.01 each
1-2 quart coffee ice cream $4.09  (Splurge)
9-1 quart bottles of gatorade $.68 each (sale)
2-1 pound pkgs.  of Strawberries $1.88

Surcharge of $1.58
Total Spent: $33.22  

Am I driving up the economy and making it worse, well maybe by my purchase of gourmet coffee ice cream.  The sports drinks were cheaper than bottled water and for twice the liquid.  This trip to the store also fit within our budget means.


john.reynolds1@mac.com said...

Wow, I enjoyed your description of your grocery trip and its highlights.

dirtandrib said...

you pay $3.01 for milk?
Will needs to enlist!