

Dear Fall,

Thank you for coming. Please don't trick me and pretend to be summer again. I made homemade applesauce today in honor of you. Will you stay please? My children spend more time outside when you're here. Cinnamon sits on my kitchen shelf more often than garlic. Even the dog seems to mind his momma. Most importantly Fall, this year my husband will enjoy you with me. It's our first Fall together since living in North Carolina. We have some fun little things planned. So stay, don't go away.

In case you can't tell, I love the Fall Season. It's my favorite, hands down. Pumpkins, apples, cinnamon, tea any time of the day, beautiful leaves, crisp breezes, the oven pays for itself over and over again, blue jeans and cashmere sweaters (I purchased my first one last year with Christmas money), children motivated to do well with school, hot apple pies and crisps, long drives (perhaps this year it will be long walks), scents of pumpkin pie candles, there's much more to say. There's just a sweetness about it. Perhaps it's the one season of the year where commintments are at their least, whatever the reason, I'm so pleased it's finally here. Yeah! Enjoy your Fall sweet loved ones.


john.reynolds1@mac.com said...

Fall is also my favorite season!

JLR said...

So, what is your favorite season anyway?

You're a nut, and I am looking forward to enjoying a fall with you as well!