
The Name of the Game?

Concentration. Ben is focused on his spelling list here. He takes spelling lessons by Andrew Pudewa through the Institute of Excellence in Writing. He's progressed somewhat these past 4 weeks and has mastered his first list, moving to list 2. It's Ben against the machine. You should see him pump his fist when he spells a word correctly. There's a chance for victory on every line. The perfect challenge for the left handed warrior on any given afternoon.


Claire Higgins said...

I love that he makes learning a game and so much fun. He must have an excellent teacher. :)

CLR said...

so sweet, thank you Claire.

john.reynolds1@mac.com said...

Go get them Lefty. from lefty Grandpa!

Karen said...

Benjamin is focusing ... he listens to you Christie ... it rings in his ears .."focus Ben, focus"