
Sock On Sock Off!

I've heard it called "Socktoberfest" but really it's called, I knit for other people and wanted to knit something for myself.  So, here were the socks 2 weeks ago.  I finally got the chance to sit, knit, and finish them off.  For some queer reason my calves looks particularly large in this photo.  I've not gained that much weight, though over the next 9 months or so I may...


Christy said...


Claire Higgins said...

:D I tried calling you today, our area code is 714 just in case you thought I was a telemarketer or something...:) I'll try again later!

CLR said...

Claire, I must have missed it. just in case my number is 2524633786.;)

Karen said...

kinda of a sly way to announce the good news. love you all

Anonymous said...

I love the socks AND your way of breaking exciting news :)

john.reynolds1@mac.com said...

another grandchild to tease and goof around with.
Thank you Lord!