Somehow it happened. Another year flew by and Benjamin, my left-handed warrior, turned another year older. We celebrated with lasagna, french bread, root beer, and ice cream cake. All Benjamin's choice and if you are curious, he also had the day off from school. He received phone calls and messages from all his favorite people wishing him a happy, happy day. After dinner and before cake he roped all of us into a game of wiffle ball. I asked him if I had a choice and he replied, "It's the boys against the girls, do you want to go first or last." So, I ended up playing, lest he have a sour memory of his 8th birthday without his daddy home and his large mommy refusing to play an inning of wiffle ball. We all had a blast and the only gift not pictured was his mountain bike from us. You aren't considered a real Reynolds until you've rode the Pirana Pit on base... in that case, maybe I'm not really a Reynolds, though I have covered and nursed the wounds of those who have returned from it. I am supposing that means Ben is next for treatment and that my acts of service mark me as Reynolds.
We love Ben, may God grant you many more birthdays,
It sounds like Grandpa missed another good whiffle ball game. Wow your food choices are about what I would have wanted, maybe its the lefty thing!
Happy Birthday Benjamin!
Great pictures!
Start practicin' on that bike and get ready for "The Pit" boy!
Momma, make the appropriate preparations.
I can't believe he is 8! Where does the time go?! Give him our love (if he remembers us). God bless you guys!!
Hey Ben ... is there any cake left? Glad your birthday was special .. just like you!
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