
Maybaby Update

Had a checkup and the baby looks great.  The Ultrasound was enjoyable and revealed that my fluid has stayed the same.  With that answered prayer the Dr. sees no reason to continue with the ultrasounds at each appt.  The heart rate was a steady 145.  This baby seems to be very constant in this way.  The heartrate's been 145 each time with the exception of once when it was 149.  
I gained 2 more pounds putting me at 6 pounds under my Max Gross Weight.  The tech who did the ultrasound made mention of a strong jawline...  could be a boy.  Though today I had a sudden revelation that Maybaby is really a girl and I may have tricked myself into thinking otherwise.  I became very excited and nearly ordered a new baby dress.  Then I remembered I had a little boy outfit coming in the mail and decided that perhaps I should pull back on the reigns until the child shows himself/herself so that we know who has arrived...

It's past midnight On Friday, make that Saturday and I'm blogging.  Must go to bed now!


john.reynolds1@mac.com said...

Thanks for the update!

Claire Higgins said...

Wow how fast this is moving along!

Tiffany said...

Wonderful news! Our continued prayers are with you and Maybaby : )