Well, there's nothing like a little bit of God-Ordained interference to make you smile... or cry right??
Jake has successfully removed panels, glovebox, steering column, and so on and so forth to get to the old crusty, rusted electrical system. It's happily out of the truck and the excitement begins with replacing it all with a brand-spankin new "painless" electrical system. That has been slow, yet progressive work. Nothing like the verse,
"steady plodding reaps prosperity."
We also received the transmission. That's where the humor, sorrow begins. There's an excellent little auto shop down the road that specializes in restoring old vehicles so they agreed to receive the new transmission so that we could cut shipping costs.. They signed the dotted line on our behalf. We are thankful.
So, we weren't there, like I said, and the auto shop signed for it. When Jake picked up the transmission it was wrapped in this special black saran wrap stuff. When he cut it open the broken thing was revealed. He's been in contact with the shipper, Estes, and the supplier, Monster Transmission. They are both in an, behind the scenes to us, argument about it. Monster tells us, it's "our" transmission.. Jake's handled the ordeal very professionally with letters and phone calls and we have been giving the matter over to prayer each morning as well. Pray that the companies would be just and we'd receive the functional transmission we were expecting.
Jake, the good news is I am not there to hinder the process. Your mother can tell about the time in Kalispell Mt, back in 1979, when I tried to save some money and rebuild a carburetor in our 1970 toyota, in the process caught the car on fire! Really sorry to see how the new tranny showed up, actually looks like one of the kids toys!
this is a lesson to be learned ... but what lesson?
A lesson in patience, maybe? Just trying to see the light in all of it must be VERY hard. Gaul. It's so hard when there is only so much you can do and you are waiting on other people. I hope it all works out soon for you guys.
Hope you know what you're doing. What a mess of wires! Dad would just have the vehicle towed at that point!
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