Clearly the gears had been rubbing for a long time!

This war very early in the morning, excuse the pale, puffy face.
Over the beasts of the field and the appliances in your kitchen! I am happy to report the stripped gear has been replaced and my family is enjoying the fruits of the kitchenaid's good service to us!
Hurray for the neo-organic/earth mom turned "gearhead" who is responsible for the continuance of homemade bread on the kitchen counter!
What do you know about automotive fuse box mounting?
What are you talking about?
That is a beautiful face no matter
the hour of day.
Awesome Christie!
Ive seen a million of those little gear clusters at the plant over the years.....
Always a pain but replaceable by a "skilled" mechanic!!
Way to go baby girl!
You inspire me to be more pro-active in servant up keep. I usually wait a few years and ask for a new one.
And I was sort of thinking about sending my hubby to your house to knead bread dough for you so I could get an hour or two to myself. Oh well. :)
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