Yesterday we celebrated Pentecost with our church family and it was a beautiful day. We worshipped the Lord together as a family and then with the families from church enjoyed feasting over barbecue with scrumptious side dishes, cupcakes, wine, pinatas, water-balloons, and endless sunshine. It was a sweet day to celebrate the birthday of the church.

We started the journey back home only to have our hearts greatly shaken. Benjamin, Libby, and Louisa all share the back bench of our van. You can not hear the chitter-chatter that comes from that back row because of the diesel engine. What I did hear yesterday was Ben yelling and shrieks of terror coming from Lou. Louisa was sucking on a butterscotch candy and had gotten the thing lodged in her throat, she was choking. When I turned around to see what was happening I instantly entered a portal of frozen time. When being thrown into an emergency situation there isn't a train of thought that takes over, but an adrenaline rush and it hammers through the veins so fast that time stands still and melts away and things that happen are blurred and it's hard to differentiate one part of the event from another. Some how I flew over the seats and took Louisa from her seat. There wasn't room to give her the Heimlich so I thrust her over the bench in front of me. Jake pulled the van off the Highway, we were driving 65 mph when this happened. Once the van stopped Benjamin, I don't know how he got out so fast or when, but he was standing outside the van to open the sliding door for us. I dragged Louisa out of the van as she was starting to pass out. I proceeded to give her the heimlich but all that was coming out was a lot of bloody mucous. My strength left me and Jake took over as he was standing beside me right then. Louisa went limp and time stood still on the side of the road, and then she cried. This was good. Then she started gagging and clawing at her throat again. I insisted we call 911 but Jake had already put in the hospital coordinates in the navigation system and we were only 2 miles away. Shaking uncontrollably Louisa and I got back in the van and she proceeded to be cohesive to my instructions and she took and yes, swallowed some water. We sobbed together and arrived at the hospital. Because of her responsiveness Jake called a doctor who goes to our church and asked for his counsel. "Was there a gurgly, raspy, cough?" As long as there wasn't and she was responding and awake then she was probably fine. We went on home and Louisa has been very shaken by the whole thing, as has our family. All of the children saw this ordeal unfold and the events were traumatizing. Louisa has broken bloodvessels over the top of her eyelids from where she was unable to breath and her breath was held for so long. She is terrified she'll choke again and she's asking some large questions about our God. Jake and I know, "God uses all things for the good of those who love him who are the called according to his purpose," and that is us. Louisa keeps talking about not being able to breath and how scared she was and then she starts crying again and I cry with her. She is such a dear and I am so glad she came home with us yesterday and again this morning to see her dear little freckled face. It was another mercy from the Lord.
We were quickly reminded of the brevity of life. That from the hands of God comes the greatest things and sometimes to us the saddest things. Today is another sweet day and we will make the most of it as we do every other day. We are reminded of our frailty and that we are all on the precipice of death. Unless Christ comes again before that day it is a moment our earthly bodies will endure. Being ready for that day is what we must prepare for while we are living.
"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, His love endures forever!"
Oh, Christie -- how frightening. Please tell Louisa we love her. God is good!
Oh thank God she is okay! I can only imagine what you all must have been feeling. I cried just reading the account. Thank the Lord, indeed!
We's stays ready from gettin ready for quittin time!
Oh Christie, I'm so sorry you all had to go through that! I'm glad that Louisa is ok and hope that she feels better soon.
Oh My Lord!
Very little sleep last night, Lou Lou like the rest of the grand kids are so full of life it literally took the wind out of us and made us realize how fortunate we are to see them as much as possible.
Daddy read your blog and asked if I had seen it ... I said no and he told me what happened. As I fought the tears and stayed in control I praised God for his goodness.
I just read your story and now the tears flow. Again .. Thank You Lord.
I read this blog of yours right when you posted it and haven't stopped thinking of you all and this incident since. My heart broke reading of poor Lulu. So glad all is ok and I know God was with you all.
Please do hug Louisa for us! How frightening and I'm glad she is ok.
Thank God she's ok.
Praise God!
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