
Strange Day

Anytime one of the kids throws up I know it's going to be a strange day. Anytime more than one of the kids throws up I know my day will be even stranger. Anytime more than three kids are throwing up I struggle with a bad attitude. Today I was struggling. It was good I was struggling or I might have missed the opportunities God gave me to laugh.

This is a post without pictures. It is good that it is this way.

This morning after one of the girls was hugging the bowl I grabbed the cleaning supplies and headed up stairs with my supplies to tackle the mess. As I was humbly hunched over the bowl cleaning up another's mess I found a tooth. This was an indication to me that my cleaning skills had been neglected for a while. I reached further behind the throne, grabbed the tooth, some bobby pins and other items less interesting. In so doing there was a large ripping sound. Upon examination I discovered I had completely torn the crack of my pants. Full on, wide open. Very humbling. These were one of the two pairs of pants I have that fit me right now. There are other pants I own that I wear, but I have to jump into them. They are more along the lines of a "tight fit." Bummer. I finished my chore laughing to myself at the irony of the situation and headed down stairs to sanitize my hands and dump supplies where they should go. I caught a glimpse of the Hazel girl swinging away. She was smiling. Libby informed me that she had "smelt her" and that something needs to be done with her diaper. Sure enough, it was one of those full on infant diaper explosions. You know, the kind where you look in disbelief and wonder where to begin. I took the baby into our room to get started at the next job. Thankfully my huge tear was concealed and it could wait for a moment.

Libby followed me in and watched me caring for Hazel. Libby has the gift of gab. Most of the time, like 88% of the time, I converse with Libby. There are those times where I'm guilty of the, "Uh-huh", "Oh yes", "You don't say" responses. Perhaps you've done the same thing with your kids?? Perhaps not. Anyway I do this sometimes, I nod my head, smile, and agree without really listening to what's being said. I only do this with Libby because she talks so frequently that I struggle to keep up with her. So today was one of those days. I'm knee deep in baby issues, I had just scrubbed up the toilet after an oral explosion, I discovered somebody's molar, and the seat of my pants was completely torn in two. So Libby is talking and I'm falsely responding and nodding. I'm smiling at Hazel who is so pleased to be cleaned up and to have my undivided attention :). I finish with Hazel, look up and make eye contact with Libby. I tune in to what she's saying just in time to hear her say, "And when I grow up I'm going to move to America!" I'm thinking this is an indicator that I should be listening more.

There you have it; a strange day that isn't done yet. More people have since vomited and I'm feeling a little strange myself.


Christy said...

Never a dull moment!

CHiggins said...

Love it !!
Isn't Virginia in the U.S ?

dirtandrib said...

I am sorry for all the vomiting. You seem to be responding well by God's grace. Libby is probably the funniest person I know.

Tiffany said...

Thx for sharing, bless your heart! Hope you are all feeling better.

Appollo Schloss said...

I hope you are all well soon!

I think America would be a great place to live someday too.

john.reynolds1@mac.com said...

Oh My!

Karen said...

I am sure you did all your duties with a smile on your face and song in your heart! It is what makes you .... you!
I love you for that.

Claire Higgins said...

Oh man....I wish I had your positiveness. I am so sorry for all your challenges AT ONCE. And I know you aren't looking for pity, but you have it from me. ;) You are amazing...just remember that!

Brittany Martin said...

So funny--though I hope that not everyone in the family got sick!