

We've been plugging away at homeschooling.  We have high hopes to be finished by the 1st of May.  This is very good as May will bring a whirlwind of events... some exciting like my man coming home and our family meeting maybaby to the not so exciting... packing boxes, cleaning the house, etc.  Hopefully somewhere in the month we'll be closing on our home.  We are still praying for it to sell.
The kids have me busy with everyday tasks.  Such as loving, disciplining, carpooling, cooking, kissing, spanking, etc.  Libby has lots to say about lots of things.  I am pretty sure I've written that before, but what can I say, it's the truth.  Silas goes number 2 with such great frequency that now after he's filled his diaper he'll just lay down in front of me on the floor where ever I am.  For about a week, he was bringing me a diaper and his bag of wipes, not anymore.  He thinks it's my job to go fetch them and clean his hind end, where ever he may be lying.  Louisa is gaining greater confidence with math and her phonics.  She still repeats words now and again, but she's doing excellent and continues to soften me with her sweet little voice.  Benjamin and Colby are in high gear with baseball.  Because of Jake's deployment and the load of responsibility on me this Spring, we decided not to sign Ben up for ball.  Colby's Baseball Coach has been gracious enough to allow Benjamin to attend all of Colby's practices.  He is learning right along side the big boys and loving every minute of it.  Jackie is progressing with her Pointe shoe training.  She's able to balance without the aid of the bar.  She also takes character, which is the study of dance in other countries and all on a heal instead of ballet shoe.  This has been more of a challenge for her.  It's good to see her not be a natural at something and work hard to achieve what is being taught.  She'll be performing in a Spring Showcase this May with Louisa.  In it she'll perform ballet, character, and on pointe.   Louisa will perform ballet.  They are doing their showcase to The Wizard of Oz.  This will be May 30. 

The big due date is creeping up.  I am amazed that I'm 32 weeks now.  I am quite large... and not so in charge... I check in next week on Monday to see how things are progressing.  I am pretty sure I've gained some weight as my wedding ring is exceedingly difficult to slip over my finger.  My toes also now resemble more of a pig's hoof.  All that to say that I'm retaining a bit of water and where there's water, there's weight.


Claire Higgins said...

Amazing, amazing! I personally can't believe March went by in such a flash...May is just around the corner! Sounds like you are all well and in anxious anticipation of what is to come. :)

john.reynolds1@mac.com said...

Thanks for the Update!

Anonymous said...

You'll have me giggling all day -- pigs' hooves!

Karen said...

do your ankles resemble cankles? have your calves dropped along with your thighs? this sounds like a problem

CLR said...

ahh, and they are pink pigs' hooves at that!