
Silas with his chipped tooth and rosy cheeked Lou

Here are some recent photos.  

Silas gave me a bad time for a few days after 
his fall in getting close-ups.  He's now saying cheese again for the camera.  With that, I was able to get a close shot of his chipped tooth. You'd never know to look at him that he's a little Bruiser... 
until he opens his mouth and smiles.  Makes you wonder.

Louisa had just come indoors from a mild 70 degree day and had such rosy cheeks.  I couldn't resist capturing her cooling off in the seagrass chair.  She's a little sweetie.  Though really the time was nearing 3:00 in the afternoon.  In our home that means only one
thing.. Snack time. Most afternoons she hovers close and watches the clock until her favorite time appears. 

Then there are the school days.  Silas stays underfoot or is held captive by Libby in one of the back rooms.  Somehow Silas' favorite blankie with a very nasty tag, which he adores, suffered some mistreatment this week.  His beloved tag part is mysteriously gone and there is no site of it anywhere.  He would hold the tag and suck his little thumb with such great affection.  The nasty thing had nearly become a part of the family as we kept higher tabs on it then we do our dog.  Whatever happened I am fairly certain that little Miss Libby Lee was behind it.  She enjoys bothering him and setting him off into crying jags.  I'm not sure where that particular trait of antagonizing comes from... One could make some guesses, but one won't.


Claire Higgins said...

I think the chip is cute :)

JLR said...

What a ruffian. i guess you haven't gone soft on him.

pops said...

remember you and Clint setting Justin screeching and wondering why I came after you?

CLR said...

did he chip his tooth or did we lock him up in a back room? i don't remember.

Karen said...

he has a little snaggle tooth! what a good nickname .. hmmmmmm .. maybe not.