
More on humility

As I've gotten a bit older, I've come to realize that I do, in fact, remember less, yet I have also come to realize that the questions people ask me have gotten tougher. I have come to the conclusion that this is to teach me humility, cause me to think deeper, and seek the counsel of those older, wiser people who have gone on before.
Here are some various questions from over the past several months:

"Mommy, why does daddy have to be away so long?"
"Christie, explain how to share the gospel with someone in less than 2 minutes."
"Mommy, what exactly is puberty?"
"Christie, what do you believe about pre-destination?"
"Mommy, why does Louisa get to sit down when she pees?"
"Christie, what do you want for your birthday?"
"Mommy, wha-what are you makin' for dinner tomorrow night?"
"Christie, could you share a post conversion testimony?"

As you can tell these are some toughies, now for my favorite question to ask:

"Libby, how did you sleep last night?" Libby says, "I sleep in bed."

Oh, to be 2 and to think so simply.