
ok moving along

So Ben comes out ready and dressed for his game tonight.  If you were to walk into our home you'd find him dressed up as a ball player on any given day of the week.  We are all used to it.  I try not to jump anymore when I'm hunched over steaming veggies and hear him belt out, "GONE!"  When I hear this I know there's been another imaginary homerun. He is often going over in his mind various victories on the baseball field and in the, "Wiffle Ball Corner," of the backyard.  Back to what I was saying, Ben comes out all dressed up and noticeably larger.... I forget I had bought him a cup.  The only way he can play catcher is if he has one on.  I asked him if he was comfortable and if he needed any help.  Obviously I wasn't the only one who noticed, because before I knew it, Louisa comes around the corner, GRABS him, and says, "Hey Ben, wha-what is this?"  My, my if we had a hidden camera for all the behind the scenes humor at this house, I'd be famous..... or locked up because my kids are crazy.

1 comment:

pops said...


I remember playing catcher in Little League and the coach giving me one in a box, kinda on the sly so I wouldn't be embarrassed (like circa 1960),not knowing what it was, so I rip open the box in front of everyone and am embarrassed anyway!