
Jackie Lynn is 14. Seriously FOURTEEN!

With Benjamin turning 12 that meant the inevitable; Jackie was going to turn 14. I absolutely can't believe it. I remember feeling shocked when Colby hit that age, but Jackie? It was only yesterday...

Shopping for a girl comes easy to me, but when it's your daughter you don't want ease, no you want thoughtful and fitting and just right and something that's so her.. How to choose the right gift, without overdoing it and without spoiling, but yes, spoiling and making it perfect and making it worth remembering. Enter, Jake. The man is an amazing father. He knew just what to get and he found the perfect gift. A pair of earrings with her birthstone. Aquamarine suddenly became quite precious. How to choose a setting that best fits a girl with such a timelessness about her? Jake had no trouble. Somehow her earrings sum her up; classic, beautiful, lovely, and one of a kind. 

The party was a bit calmer than Benjamin's. We had to wait for her to finish her evening ballet class. A simple meal, but highly requested, Pasta Alla Amatriciana with a side of french bread. Of course the cake was Red Velvet with Magic Frosting. We celebrated and sang and hugged and kissed our birthday girl. We love her so much!



14 candles suddenly extinguished. 
Jackie, you never cease to amaze us. The Lord has worked so preciously in you. We delight in the young woman you are becoming. May you continue to flourish in the repenting of sin and the delighting of Spiritual things. May you continue to strike the balance between sports and school. May you grow ever more lovely and even more humble. We love you and praise God for your life. Happy 14th birthday darling!


Jen T said...

I think Jackie and I share a favorite cake! These pictures made me teary they are so sweet and beautiful. Love Libby's face in the last picture, the photo of sweet Daddy/daughter moments, and of course of beautiful Jackie herself. Love to you all!

john.reynolds1@mac.com said...

We love you Jackie its just hard to believe that you are already 14, wow does time fly we remember visiting you the day you were born in Pensacola.

Karen said...

I get choked up reading this. Jackie is such a lady ... and you said it best ... a timeless lady! She is wonderful and I love her so much! Happy Birthday Jackie Lynn!

dirtandrib said...

Jackie, you are a beautiful young lady, a delight to your family and friends, and an wonderful example to many!