
Consider This

I was just listening to a Sermon titled the Idol Factory.  In it the preacher, C.J. Mahaney, points to the root of pain and why we react to it the way we do.  Now I am not speaking of physical pain, like a splinter in your finger, giving birth, or cancer.  Rather emotional pain, our feelings.  C.J. says that our pain is ultimately a response to how an idol has failed us.  I was deeply stirred by this implication and have been reflecting on things that pain me as well those things that bring joy.  In many cases the pains that have disturbed me are when the kids don't perform how I would hope or my husband doesn't live up to my desire/expectation of something.  C.J. points out that our relationships with others are great tests of where our idols lie and what they are.  I would have to say that C.J. is  correct.  The scripture is alive with examples of idols and our earthly treasures.   Unfortunately there are some in my heart.  I merely write this to you all out of a love for you, my brothers and sisters in Christ.  Let us pray about this and see what these implications bring.  Out ultimate joy should be in Christ and bringing glory to God, celebrating His Majesty.  There is none that can fulfill as our blessed Savior.  If you're interested go to www.sovereigngraceministries.org and go to the resources tab and search for The Idol Factory.  There are three parts to it.

1 comment:

john.reynolds1@mac.com said...

Christie, we will check it out,