

Jake was approved to take leave. We don't have big plans. Just hanging around doing small projects. The first of which will be to lower Silas's crib. He is sitting up and his head is above the rails. He hasn't realized yet that he could escape if he wants to. We might work the garden as well. Though we are still having freezing weather at night, so I don't know if I dare put my back into such an effort only to have the groung freeze up again...perhaps I will wait on that one. The kids just finished their Friday testing and are writing their papers for the week. Jake's squadron just sent off several marines to an 8 month deployment, as a matter of fact I can hear the engines of the herc buzzing overhead, such a sad day for those families, and really a bittersweet reflection on our own deployment. We are going to have a fun week and I know that my husband is planning something. I caught a glimpse of an itemization on a credit card statement and he's been all top secret forbidding me to view certain email accounts. What fun we'll have whatever it is we do. I'll be sure to post any pictures that are taken during our leave. God Bless you all, my sweet, few, dear friends. You parents are counted in that last remark too!


john.reynolds1@mac.com said...

You guys will have a wonderful time, whatever you do as you have angels around you for his purpose and glory.

john.reynolds1@mac.com said...

even the cows are too cold to give much manure!