
Our Children are not Missing Out

The church where Jake and I attend encourages child-integrated worship. Some of you may be curious as to why we do this and perhaps even think that our children are missing out. If you are interested in the why's of what we are doing, here is an excellent article on the topic and really sums up our beliefs on the matter.

1 comment:

Christy said...

Thanks for posting this, Christie.

Your family's approach to worship has been a great encouragement to us. It has shown us that integrated family worship is not only possible, but beneficial. We are so encouraged when we see the excitement on Ben and Lulu's faces when a song is familiar or they can find the song by themselves in the hymnal. I must also add that I don't think there is a voice in Berean that Jesse loves more than Ben's soaring over the rest. Most encouraging though, is when we hear of Colby being "afflicted" by John Piper's words on a video or Jackie wrestling with the tough questions surrounding joy during times of sorrow.

Because of these things we are firmly convinced of the great benefits of exposing children to things high above their level thus forcing them to rise to the occasion.